chapter 3

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Dylan was definitely going to stay in his office till late today

He wanted to buy more time from the board but they were not going to be giving him.

And apart from that he needed to finish some paper work.

I can as well get comfortable since I have no one to go home to... He thought to him self sarcastically as he noticed he was the last man standing.

He took of his jacket and placed it on the black sofa he had in his big office beside his espresso machine and opposite a longer sofa

He unbuttoned his shirt leaving about three buttons open

You could see his bronze body from the space it left clearly

He removed his cufflinks and rolled his sleeves up

He sat on the sofa after he placed the documents he needed to tend to on a small table

He had spent an hour in the work he was doing he had even poured himself a cut of whiskey to relax himself

He finished with a document among others he had to tend to when he decided to leave

He never realised how lonely and quiet the company was because any time he was here after hours he was with a woman so, he never knew what it felt like to be lonely in his office

He was finishing up with something on his computer when he started hearing foot steps.

He smiled when he thought that maybe one of his lovers had come to keep him company

He kept his gaze at the door till it was opened

Okay... he expected a woman but not this one.

She walked to him looking awfully angry

"you did this right!" She yelled

"I'd love to know what you are doing in my company miss Lorraine" Dylan said, trying to be nice  this time

"you got me fired!" She spat

"I'm trying to make your life better" he explained simply.

"really! I don't have a house again thanks to you" Lorraine huffed

He expected her boss to make her come to him but not send her packing

"I'll be sincere I didn't mean for that to happen, I just need you and clearly you need me too" he explained

"what part of I won't marry you don't you understand?" Lorraine asked irritatedly.

He walked closer to her "I really need this contract between us... If you want me to get on my kneels I will. But just to inform you I'm not a kind of man to beg" Dylan looked into her eyes.

"I'm not going to marry you for money" Lorraine said firmly.

"fine, if not for money would you at least do it for your mom? It's going to be a job that'll cost you just a little lie and will pay a great deal of money" he explained.

"what do you know about my mom?" Lorraine asked.

"I know that she doesn't have  enough funds to live the life she deserves" Dylan proceeded to explain.

"And that's not your problem... Stay away from me!" She turned around to leave when he stopped her.

"but you have to do this" he said again

"why me? I'm sure you have a lot of Lovers just pick one out of them"

"I don't want any of them" Dylan sighed

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