chapter 11

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"So, Lorraine" Dylan called making her turn around.

"Yeah" she answered with widened eyes

"Is there any man in your life... Any one drawer worthy?" He asked

"What are you talking about?"

"I just want to know if one day a guy would come knocking on the door"

"Course not" she said not breaking her gaze from his.

"So, no lovers or boyfriends?" He asks again

She shook her head "The last boyfriend I had was let's say... dry" she stated.

"dry?" He raised his brow

"Yeah? he wasn't fun" She said, now attending to her clothes

Dylan chuckled  "I'm serious" she turned around for a bit

"I've only had two lovers really" she stated making Dylan widen his eyes

"Oh, really"

"Yeah, one In highschool and then one in college"

"Right" he had a weird wave of satisfaction

He turned her around 'That's good to know"

He was about turning around when she stopped him "Dylan" she looked up at him "I like knowing I'm the only one who's been here"

He nodded briefly and wanted to turn around but he couldn't, there was a weird silence between them, but he didn't care. He preferred to stare into her eyes.


One of the good things about private jets was that it was sweeter with a woman.

Making love mid–flight and getting few hours of sleep, it sure left them rested and very relaxed.

Sadly, he could sense Lorraine's nervousness and unease and did everything in his power to make her distracted.

He booked an hotel near the airport for the night with the intention of meeting his family by tomorrow.

But his family had other plans.

The jet landed in the early hours of the morning but for Lorraine and Dylan It was late in the evening, he knew by her constant stretches.

He kept his arm around Lorraine's shoulder as they got out of the jet. At his suggestion she slipped into a comfortable pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt "No need to get all dressy for the driver" he had told her
Admiringly that they'll have enough time to bath and get dressed before they meet anyone of importance.

Yet when the car he'd ordered pulled up alongside the plane and his mother stopped them with her high-heeled foot shocking them.

"I thought you said we weren't expecting anyone" Lorraine hissed

"We aren't"

"Then, isn't that Your mother?" She asked

There was no denying his mother's frame as she slid from the back of the limousine. The driver kept an umbrella over her head to keep what the hair stylist spent hours on from being ruined.

Despite her horrible previous marriage she would have passed for a woman ten years her junior.

There was something Dylan knew about his wife and it's was her insecurity. He knew convincing her to change out of her silk pant suit was going to get him slapped.

Lorraine's steps faltered but Dylan kept her moving with the pressure of his hands.

"Mom" he removed his hand from Lorraine's neck enough to kiss his mother on the cheek "We weren't expecting you" he said in a soft voice.

"I thought you and your wife would love a good welcome" she smiled.

"Sadie, I can call you that right?" Lorraine regained her voice all of a sudden

"Of course, my dear" she smiled

"Okay... you see, we've been on the plane for hours and we need to shower and get rid of this jet lag we have. I hope you'll be so kind as to wait our departure to the family house" Lorraine's voice sounded so confident even more than Dylan could ever imagine.

"I suppose you are right" Said smiled

Lorraine held onto Dylan's arm and leaned into him "it is really nice of you to greet me here. You have no idea what it means to me"
She said making Dylan be short of words

He led his wife and his mom to the back of the car. "That's a nice coat" Lorraine told his mother

"Thanks so much, darling" Sadie gushed

"I hope you'll tell me where you got it, I'm afraid I have nothing like it and from the look of the sky I'll need something like this for my trip" Lorraine smiled.

"Of course, we could go shopping together sometime" Dylan's worry over his mother's unexpected visit faded away gradually.

"My Wife and my mom shopping should I be concerned?" Dylan teased

"That depends" Lorraine said


"If your Sister joins us... Three women with functioning credit cards can be positive danger" Lorraine smirked.

They all laughed and despite the obvious difference between his mother and his wife he wasn't worried about them getting along.

Lorraine had listened to his advice about his Mom's spending habits and love for fashion and she sure used it to gain her affection.

By the time they got to the hotel, Dylan was certain that his Mom did not notice any of what Lorraine was wearing even though he was sure that she'll burn them as soon as she get the chance to.

Thankfully, his Mom waved them off at the door to the hotel before zooming off. The early hours gave them the advantage of an empty lobby. They were given their room promptly by the bellhop earning him a tip by Dylan.

Once alone Lorraine took off her shoes and plopped on the sofa "I think your Mom and I would get along just fine besides her ambushing us at the airport"

"I told her to wait for us at the mansion" Dylan shook his head

"She's a mom" Lorraine explained

"She should have waited" he'd talk to her once he had the chance to

"She needed to see if I wasn't pregnant" Lorraine said simply.

Dylan was already putting his suitcase on the bed "pregnant?"

"Yeah, didn't you see when her eyes wondered to my waist?" Lorraine asked.

"Seriously! she saw you a few weeks ago" Dylan scoffed

"We women are emotional creatures, Dylan. It mostly shows in our eyes. She just had to take off her sunglasses and I could read them all" Lorraine smiled.

He shrugged "I think I'll have to invite you to my next management meeting. You seem to have the spy thing" Dylan joked

"I did a little of psychology in college" Lorraine shrugged.

"You should have studied criminal justice and maybe have a career in it" Dylan smirked.

"I had no funding" Lorraine said softly.

Lorraine got off the couch and got some off her things from her bag before heading to the bathroom. Dylan sensed the bit if tension and didn't push further.


Lorraine was woken by Dylan not sooner after her head touched the pillow. After a long hot shower and a little meal. Eating simply made her nauseous. At this point the newly weds where heading to the family house. The thought of Dylan's family watching her every move sent shivers down her spine.

Dressed in a peach skirt and and dress jacket she prepared herself to meet his family.

Dylan didn't even leave a comment when he found her jeans and shirt in the trash can at the hotel, he simply just laughed.

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