chapter 6

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"oh my gosh girl!
You are married and not just to any one but to Dylan Walker"

"I told you why I did it already" Lorraine explained

"yeah, right... marriage contract my foot you two kissed like crazy teenagers in love in this picture"
Kyle showed Lorraine the picture of her and Dylan kissing on her phone

"and this? You two look happy together, no one would ever believe it's an arrangement"

Lorraine looked at the beautiful picture of her and Dylan together and smiled
She loved it
I mean they were her wedding pictures after all.

"well it is"
She sighed

"I should be mad at you
You didn't tell me you were getting married"
Kyle poked Lorraine's arm making her flinch

"I'm sorry it all happened fast like I told you earlier"

Kyle sighed

"anyways... do you want to stay for dinner?"
Lorraine asked

"is that the way to ask your best friend to stay for dinner?" Kyle rolled her eyes

"I won't ask twice you know right?"
Lorraine stated jokingly.

"fine, Please tell me you have wine"
Defeated Kyle said

"is that even a talk
This apartment is loaded"
Lorraine gave Kyle an obvious look

"right... But I'm picking the movie as your guest" Kyle smirked

"whatever" Lorraine stated nonchalantly

After ordering pizza Lorraine switched of the lights in the lounge before they both sat and ate their pizza with an expensive bottle of wine

"I don't think we'll be able to do this anymore"
Kyle said

"why not?" Lorraine asked

"well you are a married woman Now
And not just any married woman
You are married to a billionaire"
Kyle announced but Lorraine just shrugged her off

Lorraine's phone beeped twice
Someone was calling her
She looked at the screen of her phone and saw Dylan's name pop up

Talking to him again excited her and made her insides feel light even though she just took a gulp of wine

She spoke into the phone

"my love"
Dylan's tired voice responded through the phone

He probably must be acting in case their phones were bugged

"You sound tired, Are you okay?" She responded

"I'm alright, the business transaction was smooth, I should be back in New York by tomorrow" he said

"that's good... Love"
Lorraine said with hesitation
"you should get some rest"

"I just can't wait to see you tomorrow and have a second honeymoon" Dylan sighed

"me too"
Lorraine said softly
His words had an effect on her

"oh my gosh"
Lorraine distracted Kyle who was pouring herself a cup of wine

She said looking confused

"You are right
I'm really married now"
She said making Kyle give her an obvious look

"of course"

Lorraine sighed and jugged Kyle's cup of wine down her throat


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