chapter 4

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As he walked gracefully into his company, Xander walked up to him with reports on the board of directors

"you look worried" Xander said to Dylan as they got out of the elevator and into his office.

"Well, I'm not" He said bluntly

"it reminds me of the time you were worried about that lady" Xander said making himself a cup of coffee

Dylan heaved a sigh "You are right, it's her I'm worried about. I took her to one of my apartments yesterday night when it was raining"

"what! Why" Xander said, surprised.

"I got her sent out of her house and she came here to confront me about it" Dylan explained.

Xander spat his coffee out like he heard a taboo "she confronted you!"

"yep" Dylan did a little anxiety spin on his chair "she left and got stuck in the rain.
I had no choice but to help her"

"Hmmm... You were feeling guilty" Xander said with a sly smile

Dylan ignored his comment and continued
"she's there now and I asked her to marry me again"

"just like that" Xander said looking flabbergasted

"Sure, what else was I supposed to do?" Dylan furrowed her brows.

"Propose to her!" Xander rolled his eyes "I think you've been a Casanova for far too long and now you don't know how to relate to women anymore"

"No... I can't do that... I'll be committing myself" Dylan protested

"And what's the harm in that?
You need a wife
You have to do anything to have one" Xander explained

"I ca—"
Xander cut Dylan off

"You will"
He commanded firmly
Xander was Dylan's best friend but sure acts like his father

He and his mother were the only people who had a strong hold on him

"And what exactly do you expect me to do" Dylan scoffed.

Xander shook his head in frustration
"Get her a ring for goodness sake!
You can't just propose to her like that"

"fine!" Dylan sighed exasperatedly.

He called his secretary to put him in touch with his jeweler... Mandy

She has been his jeweler for years

She came over with boxes of rings to his office

He examined the rings with Xander who pushed him till he got the perfect one

"But, do you think I should be getting a perfect ring since its just a marriage agreement?" Dylan asked after Mandy left

"Of course you should... People must think you two are in love and that's why you got her an expensive ring" Xander explained m

"right" Dylan said looking at the box.


Lorraine wasn't willing to get up from her bed which is now her new comfort zone

Not until she heard someone open her door did she jump
She sat up expecting the person to show

It was Dylan

How did he move around the house till he got to her room without her knowing noticing

"you don't just enter a woman's room like that. What if I was naked?"
She protested

"I didn't mean to" Dylan was not someone to say sorry

He walked to her "I need to ask you something"
Then he remembered what Xander told him

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