Chapter Two: Superman and A Captive Buddy

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"Where are you taking us?" I questioned as we climbed out of the elevator. Winn had dragged James and I upstairs. 

"To your knew office." He replied.

"I think Ms. Grant prefers me to be within yelling distance." James smirked amusedly at me.

"No, no, no, not for that job. For our other job. This used to be Ed Flaherty's office from Actuaries, but after he died of a heard attack behind his desk, nobody wants it, which makes it perfect for our needs."  He unlocked the door, walking in. I came in to see, aside from the plastic covered furniture, a desk and screens and computers all over the place." Now, we can't just crowd around your desk every time we wanna talk Supergirl stuff, especially with our new reporter friend in such close proximity. So, I loaded this office up with some, uh, State-of-the-art, top-of-the-line tech."

"Winn, I can't believe you did all this for me." I told him.

"Um...believe it. Ok, so for our first mission, Supergirl vs Reactron. Ok, so his true identity remains a mystery. Right? We know Superman has fought him multiple times over the years."


"I know. I was there." James stated.

"How could I forget?" Winn asked sarcastically. "Anyway, he shoots these highly concentrated b-"

"-Bursts of Nuclear energy-"

"From his gauntlets. Uh, his chest plate provides an increase in strength-"


"-and flight. "


"Now I've written an algorithm that will sweep the city for any variable changes in radiation, and maybe we can use this to find him." Winn finished explained. I chuckled, feeling immensely proud of my best friend. 

"And then what?" James asked.

"And then Kara goes all-all Supergirl on him."

"Kara, you might consider calling your cousin on this one. I've seen what Reactron can do."

"James, if I call for help now, I'm done." I told him. "We're done. Every villain out there will think of National City as an easy target."

"He nearly killed Clark once." 

"Clark?" Winn asked. We both gave him a knowing look. He sat up straight in his chair. "Clar-Clark Kent is Superman?"

"I'm just trying to keep you safe." James told me.

"And yes, I appreciate that, but of al the things the 'S' stands for, safety is not one of them."

"Clark Kent is Superman." Winn repeated.


"Sorry, I can't..."

"I...I'm still trying to figure out what being Supergirl means. Who I am. And know I know, I'm not Superman's cousin. I'm Supergirl. And if I'm gonna be defined by something, it's gonna be by my victories and my losses. no one else's."

"I guess stubbornness runs in the family." All of a sudden, his smile fell.

"What?" I asked.


"What about her?"

Reactron nearly killed her the last time, it's why Superman ended their relationship. If he wants to hurt Superman, other than you, she'd be a prime candidate."

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