Chapter Six: Thanksgiving and Anxiety

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I tugged on my skirt with one hand, my fist poised to knock on the door with the other

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I tugged on my skirt with one hand, my fist poised to knock on the door with the other. I hadn't celebrated thanksgiving with anyone since I was eight years old. I didn't know how to do this. 

I was scared.

"You gonna stand there all night?" A voice asked. I whirled around to see Winn, leaned up against the wall, watching me. 

"Thinking about it. Also considering just turning around and returning to my original plans."

"Why?" he asked.

"I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving since I was eight, Winn. That's eighteen years. I don't know how to do this. Maybe I should go." i went to leave, but he grabbed my shoulders, stopping me. He turned me around, keeping his hands on my arms.

"You can do this. Kara was kind enough to invite us, so the least we can do is show up." I sighed.

"You're right. I know you're right. I just...I'm a little...out of sorts. "

"Well, I'm right here. I'll be sitting right next to you, so if you get uncomfortable," He reached down between us, his fingers wrapping around my hand as he pulled it up between us, "Just grab my hand." I nodded.  That's when the door opened, and Kara stood there, her eyes moving from me to our hands, to Winn. We let go, moving away from each other. 

"Hi guys..." She said suspicously.

"Hi. Thanks again, for inviting us, Kara." I told her.

"Of course. Come on in." Winn put a hand on my back, and I felt a shiver go down my spine. What was that?

"We were just sitting down. Alex sat on one end of the table, Eliza on the other. Kara sat down on the side by the kitchen, adn Winn and I took the seats by the window.

"Eliza, these are my friends, Winn Schott and Sarah Kingsley."

"its a pleasure to meet you Eliza. Kara talks about yu all of the time." i told her. She smiled, setting the Turkey down in the middle of the table.

"It's lovely to meet the both of you too. Kara, your oven isn't the best. Could you give it, maybe, an extra five minutes?" 

"Sure." Kara lowered her glasses, shooting her heat vision into the turkey. 

"She comes in handy." Winn pointed out, sitting down.

"I have to admit, the first time she did it I was a little worried. What if we were all eating radioactive turkey?" We all laughed, except Alex, who seemed like there was literally any other place she'd rather be.

"It's no worse than the microwave," Alex disagreed, "We'll all live." She took a big swig of wine.

"You're having some fun, Alex. Let's get some food in you." Eliza said pointedly. 

"Yeah, everything looks great. Oh, especially the pie." Winn told her. 

"Oh, yes, that is the best pie in the galaxy. Or so I'm told." Alex explained. 

"So, before we eat, I thought it would be nice if we went around and shared what we were grateful for, or any other feelings that we might want to share with family and friends, so let's share." I knew she was talking to Alex and Eliza, but this still made me uncomfertable, so I reached over and grabbed Winn's hand. He ran his thumb over my fingers in an atempt to calm me down. "Ok, I'll go first. I'm grateful for everyone here. My best friend in the entire world, and a new one not far behind him, my sister who's always had my back, and the woman who always treated me like a daughter."

"Thank you sweetie."

"Alex, do you wanna go next?" Kara questioned. 

"Nope." She took another swig of wine, emptying her glass.

"Winn, why don't you go?"

"Oh, well that's easy." he stood up and Kara's phone wnet off.

"Sorry guys, I'll turn it off. Oh, it's James. Um. Sorry, sorry. I'll make it quick."

"Thanksgiving call. That's nice. That's really very thoughtful." Winn sat back down, and this time, it was him who grabbed my hand. Alex poured herself another glass of wine.

"So, uh, Eliza. You're a scientist I heard?" I asked.

"Well, scientist is a general term dear. I am a bio-engineer." I squeezed Winn's hand, and he winced slightly. "Are you ok, dear?"

"Yeah, yeah. Fine." I let go of his hand, folding my hands in my lap and staring down at them. His hand came down on my knee instead, his thumb brushing over the skin revealed by my skirt. "So how long have the two of you been dating?"

"Dating?" I asked.

"No, we're not-we're not together."

"No. I just got out of a pretty destructive relationship actually, so no dating for me at the moment." I grabbe dmy wine glass, drinking it.

"There's something that I have to tell you." Alex said suddenly.

"Ok. Is everything alright?"

"When I was at Stanford, I was doing research in genetic engineering. And my work, and connection to Kara, it came under scrutiny and I was recruited by the government. I'm not just a doctor.  I'm an operative for an organization called the DEO."

"There it is." I muttered into my glass. My hand found Winn's arm, trying not to hurt him this time.

"I work in the field with Kara. I mean, that is my job, Mom, I look out for her. " Eliza stood up.

"Ae you out of your mind?!" Eliza yelled. 

"Oh, here we go."

"How could you do this, Alexandra?" Kara had reappeared by Winn's side.

"She called her Alexandra, this is gonna get ugly." She told us. Alex stood up.

"How could I do what?"

"Excuse me, pardon me. Thanks for the invite but really I must be going. Winn?" I questioned.

"Yes, um. Thank you."

"I am so sorry." Kara whispered. I nodded, getting out the door as soon as possible. Once the door clsoed behind us, i leaned back against the wall, taking deep breaths.

"Are you...ok?" Winn asked. I nodded.

"I'm not equipped to handle heated situations."

"You worked with a Superhero and you're a reporter. Your job is  a heated situaiton." I nodded again.

"I mean of the...domestic variety. I just...I have a bit of anxiety, I think. " he nodded.

"Don't worry...I've got you." 

"You wanna head back to my place?" I asked. "We can have that Orphan Black thanksgiving you originally planned? And I have ice-cream in my freezer that needs to be gotten rid of, so..."

"Yeah. Let's do it."  I moved away from the wall and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, walking with me to the stairs. 

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