Chapter Five: Feelings and the Creative Process

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Given my past associations with heroes of the Super variety, the person at the top of my list of things to be thankful for is not surprise. Supergirl isn't just a person, she's the embodiment of hope and light in National City. She-

"You have got to listen to this." My very brilliant train of thought was rudely interrupted by none other then my closest National City friend Winn Schott. 

"Winniford!" I exclaimed. One of the inside jokes we'd picked up over the few months we'd known each other, is that I would call him by ridiculous nicknames. Winniford, was one of my personal favorites. "First of all, don't sneak up on my like that, and second of all, you can't just interrupt the creative process like that! I was on a roll!"

"I'm sorry, but you're not gonna regret this, I promise." I sighed, rolling my chair away from the computer. He leaned on my desk, putting an earbud gently in my ear and taking the other for himself. "It's relatable as all get out, you're gonna love it. Ooh, it's starting."

"This is Leslie Willis, coming to you live and wired from CatCo Plaza the week of Thanksgiving, which means...It is time for my annual list of Things I Am Not Grateful For, And this years list is only one item: Supergirl." I looked at Winn, raising my eyebrows. He chuckled nervously. "The blue and red abscessed tooth in the otherwise gleaming smile that is National City. How much do I despise her whole 'Look at me, I'm a-dork-able' thing. Ugh. And that ridiculous, like rejected-from-the-Olympic figure skating outfit she wears? I mean a skirt and tights? Puh-lease."

"Didn't you design that?" I inquired.

"Yeah...yeah I did."

"Seems like overkill, especially since no one is trying to get in there. And who would that be?"

"Dude, for such a 'relatable-as-all-get-out' Radio show, she is insulting you left and right."

"Maybe it's time for a break. Or a make-over." I took the earphone out, heading back to my desk.

"Normally, I love her 'List of Things I'm Not Thankful For'." Winn said, defeated. I shrugged.

"Typically it doesn't insult you or your friends, I take it." I sat back down in my chair. I continued where I left off.

She is a blessing to National City that we should all be immensely thankful to have in our lives. Some, like say, Leslie Willis for example, does not share this opinion of the Girl of Steel. However, A few National City residents gave me some statements that reflect those of us who do feel so passionately about our "Super Savior".

"You're gonna contradict her, right?" Winn asked, leaning back in his chair. I tied my hair up, shoving a pen in my mouth.

"Dang straight. I'm gonna contradict the crap out of her."


"What?" I looked up from my article to see Kara leaning against Winn's desk with a cup of tea in her hand.

"Nothing. It's nice to be talking about a metaphoric bomb for a change."

"So, have either of you figured our what you're doing for Thanksgiving?" She asked.

"Yeah, uh, Orphan Thanksgiving. Literally, Thai food and Orphan Black marathon."

"Yeah, and I'm doing Thanksgiving with my Aunt's tradition, eat a whole pizza by myself, and then take a heavy duty sleeping pill that'll knock me out for at least half of the next day." I explained.

"What about your families?" She asked.

"Core wound, Kara." Winn told her. She looked at me.

"All dead, or hate me." They both looked at me. "Don't look at me like that."

"Friends?" She followed up. Neither of us replied.


"What?" Winn asked.



"What's wrong?" I inquired.

"No, you're both crazy, and you're both coming over. We're gonna have a Friendsgiving."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"I'm with Winn, really unnecessary."

"I want to, seriously. You guys can be a buffer between Alex and Eliza."

"That's your foster mom, right?" She nodded.

"We can watch Orphan Black after...What is Leslie Willis doing in Cat's office?"

"I wonder...could It be because Cat Grant's own employee insulted her very own creation, as she sees it?" I asked sarcastically. "But in case I'm wrong, you do have this convenient thing called super hearing." Leslie stormed out and I looked to Kara.

"Scale of one to ten, how epic was it?" She chuckled, sitting down at her desk.


"Do you ever stop writing?" Winn asked. I sat on my couch, my pen in my mouth, my fuzzy sock-clad feet on my coffee table and my laptop on my lap. I had changed from my work clothes into a pair of athletic shorts, and a loose, worn out Doctor Who t-shirt. Winn was laying on my other couch, tossing a rolled up t-shirt into the air over and over again.

"Not when I have a deadline. With all of this Leslie Willis negativity, I want to restore Supergirl's name, show her that National City still cares."

"Is that what your job is with her and Superman? Repairing their reputation when it gets tarnished?" I nodded removing my pen from my mouth.

"Something like that. Hand me my recorder, will you?" He sat up, grabbing the tape recorder from the kitchen counter and handing it to me. I never looked up from my computer. 

"So...what's the deal with your family, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Both of my parents are dead, my aunt is my only family left, and she's a raging alcoholic that hates my guts. That's the gist of it." I stopped typing, looking up at him. "What about you?"

"Long, complicated story."

"Hey, if you don't wanna tell me, I won't push it." He nodded. "But if you ever do...I'm here."

"I know." I nodded, giving him a small smile before going back to my laptop.

"I think you need a break." He took my laptop.

"Hey-Winn!"  He saved my file before closing it and setting it beside him. He moved over to the love-seat that I was on, plopping down next to me.

"I say movie." He started flipping through the channels. 

"Fine. I guess I can take a break." I laid my head back onto the back of the couch. I'd been working so hard on this article that I hadn't realized just how tired I was. I felt my head fall onto something hard before I fell into a completely deep sleep.


We weren't even half way through to movie when I felt Sarah's head on my shoulder. I looked over at her. Her hair was in a messy bun, that somehow still looked like she'd spent hours on it, even though I'd watched her throw it up. She was snoring softly, and I felt something in the pit of my stomach that I'd only ever felt with Kara.  Do I like her?

Do I have feelings for Sarah Kingsley. 

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