Chapter Three: The Golden Trio and Sarah Kingsley

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"Ok, um...who are you again?" Alex questioned suspiciously. I had gone back to Kara's apartment, where she lay on the couch, unconscious. Superman had disappeared without another word, but I had no doubt in my mind that I'd be hearing from him later. 

"Sarah Kinglsey." I replied. "I'm a...friend, of her cousin's." 

"She can be trusted." James said. "Besides she figured it out on her own."

"Kara." I looked over to see that Kara was awake. "Kara, easy, easy, easy. You're ok." James came over, sitting down in the chair across from her.

"How long was I out?" Kara asked.

"Just a few hours."

"I was fighting Krull. My cousin, where is he?"

"Probably back at my apartment,  creepily awaiting my arrival." I looked to James, who nodded, clarifying my assumption.

"Reactron is a great danger to everyone in this city. Luckily I wasn't harmed, though my captive buddy Sarah Kingsley does have some bruises." Kara looked at me, her eyes going to my swollen eye. I shook my head. "We're both lucky to be alive, and we owe it all the great hero who rescued us. Superman." 

"Bull crap!" I exclaimed. "Superman saved you. You saved us! I'm gonna have to give Maxwell Lord a piece of my mind."

"I don't understand, how did he know that I was fighting Krull." I raised my eyebrows, looking at James.

"I don't have mine, so it obviously wasn't me." I stated, giving him a look. 

"Have what?" She looked between James and I. "You called him."

"Kara, he gave me this a long time ago. Sarah's is a necklace." He opened his watch and pressed the button. "If ever we were in trouble, we could contact him."

"But you weren't in trouble." She pointed out. "When did you even call him, the second I left?"

"It wasn't just about you. I made a promise to your cousin. If anything had happened to either of you-"

"You've gotta be kidding me." I said.

"My cousin didn't have a "Get out of a jam free" card when he first started. Neither should I. it feels like you don't believe in me."

"Of course I believe in you, I wouldn't even be here if I didn't believe in you."

"Maybe you shouldn't be here at all." James got up, walking towards the door.

"You know what, Kara? I'm sorry that you're mad at me...but I'm not sorry you're still alive." He opened the door, leaving the apartment.

"I should go too. I have two different men to have words with." I stood up.

"How did you know?" Kara asked. "How did you figure out that I was Supergirl."  I shrugged.

"It was a number of things. But mostly, what I learned from my time with Superman, was to be able to look past a good pair of glasses." I smiled at her. "And for the saved my life. I'm gonna make sure the world knows that."

"Thank you."  I nodded, leaving the apartment. James was still in the hallway. 

"You, with me, now." 


"I need to have a word with you and that idiot friend of yours. Now." 


The three of us met on the roof, Clark and James standing side-by-side while I paced angrily in front of them, still too infuriated to form a sentence.

"This is fun, right? The golden trio, together again." Clark said, breaking the silence. I met him with a glare.  "I guess...not."


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" made him promise to protect me, is that it? Is that what happened here?" 

"Yes." Clark replied.

"No, that's not what happened. He didn't have to make me. He didn't even need to ask-"

'James, I appreciate the sentiment, but I did ask you to-"

"Aw. Isn't that cute. I know you guys are bros for life and all, and are trying to save each other, but you're both still in increasingly hot water." I snapped. "You, for making him promise to protect me, and you, for calling him in the first place." They both opened their mouths to defend themselves. "I'm not finished. Let's start with you, Superman."


"You don't get to protect me anymore, Clark." He closed his mouth. "You gave up that right, when you told me to get as far away from you as possible. 

"I didn't say it exactly like that." I raised my eyebrows.

" kind of did." James agreed with me. He sighed.

"And I'm sorry for that, ok? I am. But Reactron nearly killed you because of me-"

"He nearly killed me today, Clark!" I exclaimed. "I am in danger weather I'm near you or not. I am always going to be in danger, that's a part of the baggage that comes with befriending superheroes. I know you have this whole...and I relish the irony of this statement...Superman complex, but you can't protect everybody.  So James, you are relieved of your promise."

"I'm sorry, Sarah. I wish things hadn't ended the way that they did." He said. I nodded. I took a step foreword, taking his face in my hands and standing on my toes, pressing my lips to his briefly for the last time.

"But it did. So you, go and live your life, Clark Kent, Superman, whoever. But you have to let me live mine too." He nodded. 

"I will. I promise." I nodded, moving to James. "And I know, you want to protect Kara...but she had a good point. You didn't have anyone there to protect you when you started, and she shouldn't either. Her job isn't easy, and it isn't safe. You two of all people know that. Let her breathe, be her own hero for once." They both nodded.

"James...can you give us a minute." James nodded, giving Superman a quick bro-hug before leaving the roof. "I can't beleive I've lost both of my best friends to National City and my cousin." I chuckled.  "I sure am going to miss you, Sarah Kingsley." i shook my head.

"Nah. You'll figure something out."

"What are you gonna do?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Focus on my career. Help Kara when I can. Who knows, maybe I'll try a human relationship for a change." I gave me a small smile.

"Well...I wish you...the best of luck." I nodded. "One more time for the road?" I rolled my eyes, standing on my toes and lightly pressing a kiss to his mouth. His hands found my waist and he kissed me back. I pulled away, winking at him and turning back towards the door.

"See you around...Superman."

"I hope so, Sarah Kingsley.  

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