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Okay I have been trying to find when agents of SHEILD season 5 premiers but the all I could find was some time after inhumans. I DONT CARE! All I find when I look on Marvels YouTube channel is like "Inhumans this Inhumans that Oh btw Thor Ragnarok is supposed to be important for some reason." Is Inhumans literally the only thing ever? Okay yah I'm mildly interested in seeing it but there is literally nothing on agents of SHEILD and it's driving me NUTS! So with that off my chest.

After seeing all the stuff with the Defenders I decided to watch it on Netflix. So me (The Netflix Binge Watching Queen) watched the incredibly short 8 episode season in one day. And that was a day that I accidentally didn't wake up till noon, I helped my mom clean the camper, I played with my little sister for an hour, and did school. Keep in mind I finished the last episode at nine o'clock. I'm not joking about the binge watching it's a problem. And I have a bit of insomnia so I can finish a twenty two episode season in three days unless I really want to saver it because it is the last thing left on Netflix. I have a problem. Oh and insomnia is just not having an easy time getting to sleep, I don't have some weird disease from some four foot country in Asia. Don't worry it's only 12:30 it's early! Jk 😂 but it is really 12:30 and I'm drinking tea. Ugh, oh well, Good night!

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