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I'm a strong Marvel fan but nevertheless I am going to see The justice league Friday with my dad. It's really the only D.C. Movie I'm interested in so far although I did watch wonder woman and it was awso-I mean... okay.
Maybe it's because someone-

*glares at Marvel* had to shatter everyone's hearts in CACW and then pretended everything was fine and dandy during TR and I need to distract my self until Infinity War. Witch my I add is TAKING FOREVVVVVVEEEEERRRRR

Oh and why do they have Aqua Dude and Cyborg thing and not Green Lantern and Superman. I mean just why? Maybe the Justice League started with these four I'm not educated in that stuff but I honestly think they should be in the movie instead. Plus Aqua Dude and Cyborg thing don't have movies or TV series (I don't think) and Superman and Green lantern do. And wasn't there a batman vs Superman movie so we know that he's gotta come in at some point. Right? Anyway whateves I don't care about this D.C. businesses anyway just seeing what the enemy is failing at.

PS: If you are a strong DC fan who hates Marvel-
1) I'm sorry we are superior and have better actors... not (except Gal Gadot she's awesome) 2) why are you reading this again?
& 3) admit it we have RDJ, Chris Evens, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Scarlet Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Samuel L Jackson, TOM HIDDLESTON, Benidict Comberbatch (I just like spelling his name wrong because it's funny. Unlike anything in DC), Clark Creg, ECT we are superior. I only say etc. because if I kept going we'll be here forever. Oh AND TOM HOLLAND!

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