[Hi! So this is episode 0- Pilot! Hope you enjoy and leave suggestions and improvements in comments! Btw, this is just based on the lead characters thoughts]
Ever since we came at peace with homeworld, me lapis and peridot have been leaders of homeworld, but peridot me and lapis fused and we are now leaders of homeworld for fusing and defeating white diamond together!, none of us have been the same since that battle and the torment we all went through!, now homeworld has rewarded peri me and lapis for our bravery!, now homeworld isn't treating gems as toys and we are all equal, and earth is no longer in trouble! And the new era of homeworld era3/ crystal era is now in place and humans and gems live in peace, but my friends, Lars, Sadie, Connie, Sour Cream, Onion and the others all gave their lives for me and the gems and now have to live immortal for the rest of eternity which is a curse but we don't understand why the others don't have powers yet so they are being tested to see their potential, and what makes them unique to the others
Ever since we fought white diamond and the barn got destroyed me and peri have lived with Steven! But now we are leaders of homeworld we need to make big decisions, but I still don't feel right around the diamonds, I don't understand why, anyway after running away from the war I felt bad, but I had no choice I was afraid, but I came back and defended the ones I care about! And helped peri and Steven defeat white diamond and we fused! All 3 FUSED! but I finally got over my fear and I felt better, I was just scared that I was going to control someone else, but I didn't! And jasper came back and she forgave me and i feel better! Anyway times haven't been more peaceful ever for thousands of years! And there is no more corrupted gems! They were all healed thanks to Steven and all his friends' song! And together we all can do anything!.
Iam now the SUPREME LEADER of homeworld I feel SO MUCH POWER and I understand how humans and others feel but I DEFEATED WHITE DIAMOND thanks to lapis and Steven's help we FINALLY FUSED!! And now Iam giving homeworld orders! But pink diamonds defeat is still a mystery we are trying to figure out, and the diamonds have overcome their sadness for pink and now we all are in total harmony together! . BLUE DIAMOND
Ever since the battle against white, we believe that rose quartz had enough evidence that she wasn't pink's shatterer but, we are still figuring out who it is but we forgave the crystal gems for their betrayal and they are showing us that there should be peace!, so we let Peridot be our teacher with lapis lazuli and the Stevens help and we are learning that fusion is the embodiment of love and that fusion shows a bond and creates and entirely new gem using that bond, so we now accept fusion and it is more common between different gems!.
Era 3 has begun and we are trying to learn and understand about caring for other gems more and that they have feelings and fusion, but I believe the old days are better and that we should go back to those days so I don't accept these new rules to make us feel sympathy for other gems but it's so that we will be weakened so the crystal gems can take over so I don't trust them at all! Plus we have no idea who shattered pink! I still think it was just rose who did it but blue thinks otherwise on the matter, so we are upset over that also the puny peridot, peridot 5XG that was sent to check the cluster and failed is our new leader and took over white's position but more sympathetic and puny and a little clod, I don't believe that the crystal gems can just come in and take over, I want to defend but blue won't let me she says that "they defeated white, we no longer have to serve under her judgment, this is the least we can do" so I just pretend to understand but EVERY SINGLE DAY gets HARDER for us and it's driving me INSANE that they think they can just change our ideals in SECONDS of work.
After Steven and the gems defeated white diamond and overcame corruption they entrusted me to look over the others after they became pink like me! And the off colours expanded and we are all an awesome team! And after rutile seperated we were All supprised when it happened! And now the others are learning their power, and we are helping Steven and the diamonds whenever they need help! We are now ambassadors for homeworld and we look at courts and stuff and Iam able to fuse with the others and we can have more power and strength and we can also fuse with lion! Fusion is so amazing your there, but your not and you support each other with a strong bond, so far I only have an hair tree thing and we are trying to find out why the others don't it's really wierd though!
[Sorry that this was so long but I got out of control lel anyway this is the basic chart development and what they are like! Just to get started, the next Ep will come pretty soon though! So don't forget to leave improvement ideas! And other ideas to make this series better!!]

⭐️Steven Universe: Homeworld Saga⭐️
Non-FictionThis is a new series that's in wip, and if you have any ideas comment them! and enjoy the read!! :D