English Partner - Ethan Dolan

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It was the first day of school and your English teacher already had seating charts for the class. You know absolutely no one in this class. You are very shy to talk to, until this new partner of yours shakes it up a bit.

"D-17? Where's D-17?" I asked myself. This new school is so big and very confusing to get around to. I just moved schools from across town and it's nothing like my old school. This place is fancier and newer. Hopefully I don't get lost here.

"Found it! Yes!" I said after finding my English class. I sat down at the back of the class, like I usually do. Other teens were coming in saying,"We have the same class? Yes!" and, "Ugh I hope this teacher is nice." The bell had rung and everyone was sitting down at a desk.

"Hi class! My name is Mr. Scuppie and I will be your new English teacher for the year. I already have your guys assigned seats for this semester so please stand in the back of the room." Great. I hate assigned seats. I know no one in this class and now I have to sit with a stranger for the rest of the semester? Wow. Thank you God.

Mr. Scuppie was calling people and telling them where to sit. The way the seats were arranged were by two so you would have a partner right then and there. He finished the first two rows and he had four rows in total. Mr. Scuppie called a couple people first for the third row and later he said, "Y/n sit on the right seat and Ethan Dolan sit in the left seat." Ethan Dolan? Who's that?

As I sat down a guy with kind of long hair with a purple hair streak sat down next to me. We sat there in silence until the teacher called our attention. "Today I want you guys to know your partners so till the remainder of the class talk to your partners about what you did this summer, what you think we will be doing in this class, some cool projects you guys had in mind for this class, all that good stuff," Mr Scuppie said.

I just stood there staring at the desk checking for any writing. I usually do that when I'm bored. "So what's your name," Ethan asked. "Me?" I asked. "Well who else will I be talking to?" Ethan asked. "Y/n." I said. "I'm Ethan. You can call me E if you want. All my friends call me that," Ethan said. "So what we're already friends?" I asked. Did I just say that? "Wow are you salty today," Ethan said.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped. I'm kinda new here and had it rough today. I almost got lost just finding this class," I explained. "It's ok. I'm actually new here too. I just moved from New Jersey," Ethan said. "Wow. A whole new state. Well welcome to California. Do you like it here so far?" I asked. "Yea I do. I just feel very homesick right now. I miss my friends back home," Ethan said. "I feel you. You have it tough though I moved from across town. Hopefully you have many friends here," I said. "Well I think I just found one," Ethan said. "Yea. You just did." And so a beautiful friendship on the first day began.

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