Blow Yourself Away

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Ya they left you
They were attached to your heart by a super glue
Ripped themselves like a fucking band aid
Don't you worry all those memories fade
Believe me it all gets better
Things are about to get greater
Even this will pass by
And you're not gonna fucking die
Not internally nor externally
You're not ordinary
Don't you sit in a dark corner and cry
Get yourself wings and fly
Don't be so low, get up and rise
Don't be so stupid be wise
"Why did they leave you ??" Don't be so curious
They had their evil purpose
And that purpose is served
Don't you worry, you'll find a cure
Someone will come and you'll be healed
And you'll be back on field
They called you "weird" just cus you're different
You're not weird, just magnificent
They were just jealous
Cus you're miraculous
Saw things in different way
Ways they can't even think of
So, don't think of yourself as some lost pup
Just fuck it and cheer up
Don't you end up like Hannah Baker
You're strong, you don't need a care taker
You know what it feels like losing someone you love
Before taking a wrong step think of the one's that love you and you love
What things will they go through after your soul flies away like a dove
You're strong
What happened to you was wrong
You gotta fight this fight against yourself
Do whatever you gotta do to win
Throw those low feelings in the bin
Jump out of the darkness, in the light you break in
Stop overthinking and don't doubt
Later you'll thank yourself that you fought
You're lost, that's fine.
Life's sometimes bitter
But you're not a quitter

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