11. Bearing the biggest pain...

1.2K 175 277

Oh my god!!!! Such a huge response for the teaser.... Believe it or not, the teaser got 93 votes... Oh my god... None of my stories' teasers got such recognition and votes.... Then shall I write teasers alone... 😂😂😂... Just kidding...

This is my fourth ever story to cross 110+ votes with a maximum of 113 votes to its credit and this is my first story to reach this bench mark so soon... I'm so overwhelmed with the response and now without any fear I can proceed to the story ...

Are you all ready to see our cute, little 8 years old mentality boy Abhi....

Let me clear one thing... Abhi is not a lunatic or insane man... He is a grown up kid with a mind set of 8 years old boy.... But... ???? 😉😉😉😉., (Guess)

Now to shot

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Now to shot. 11:

As rightly said by Fawn weaver,

"The difference between an ordinary marriage and an extraordinary marriage is in giving just a little 'extra' every day, as often as possible, for as long as we both shall live."

"A great marriage isn't something that just happens; it's something that must be created."

"If you're not happy with where you are and what you've got, you won't be happy with where you go or what you get. Happiness is a choice for today."


"A long-lasting marriage is built by two people who believe in -and live by- the solemn promise they made."
-Darlene Schacht

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford

"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences." -Dave Meurer....


Pragya didn't ever in her wild dreams too have imagined her life will be like this

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Pragya didn't ever in her wild dreams too have imagined her life will be like this... She doesn't know what to do... She is in a complete confusion... She prays that this should be also her dream...

In LOVE With My SOUL- Abhigya FF By CrazyMahizWhere stories live. Discover now