Best Friends Are Dicks, Am I Right?

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Chapter One: Best Friends Are Dicks, Am I Right?
Brooke didn't really know how it all lead up to this. Her sitting in her best friends lap, staring out at three boys in hospital beds as she drifted off with a smile. Her newer best friend asleep at the side of one of the boys, smiling, a peaceful, happy smile, for once in his life. A girl taking pictures and relaying get well messages to the boys, and another bringing around food, making sure everyone was happy.

She didn't ever think in all her years she'd find such a sense of comfort with such a strange group of kids.

It all stared, she supposed, one faithful night in a bathroom.
Brooke stared in shock at the scene layed out before her. Her best friend sitting in a bed, a shattered window with an angered Jake who'd just smashed through, and her boyfriend running off after a quick apology. She bit her lip holding back a sob. She couldn't believe... whatever the fuck she was seeing! Seconds ago her boyfriend had been hooking up with her best friend! The best friend she was in lo- she.. she really liked, none the less! The best friend who knew how much she'd been hurt in the past.

She stood in that doorway for what seemed like forever before Chloe stood up, "Brookie, I'm-"

Brooke didn't wait for the rest of the sentence, she ran off, looking for an empty room for seemingly an eternity. Every corner she turned it was either locked or.. occupied.. She eventually stumbled into a bathroom after a few long minutes, flinging the door open and slamming it shut quickly.

She didn't expect to find a boy curled up on the floor, crying, his glasses strewn to the side. She stared at him for a second, thoughts running through her head a mile a minute. This boy.. the one Jeremy hung out with a bit before they'd started dating.. What was his name? Matthew? Mikey? Mike.. Mike... Michael! That's it! Now.. what could be going on?

She dropped to her knees next to the boy, refraining from touching him in case it'd make it worse. "Michael?" Her voice came out scratchy from the crying while she'd ran through the halls, "Can you breath, or speak?" She asked, gently, scooting a bit closer to him.

He took in a few shaky breaths and Brooke let out a sigh of relief, glad he could still breath semi-properly but he shook his head at the second question and she immediately took to trying to calm him down.

"Now, Michael, I want you to look up a little, please, sweetie?" Brooke said softly, smiling as the boy shifted so his eyes were just a bit over his knees. "Okay, name three things you can see in your mind," she coaxed him, nodding encouragingly. He looked puzzled for a second as he glanced around he gave a small sound to show he was done, "Three things you can feel?" She continued, and again got a little sound in reply, "Three things you can hear."

His shallow breaths seemed to slow down, and his posture loosened. Brooke hesitantly rested a hand on his knee and smiled as he glanced over at her.

Once he'd calmed down enough, she heard him speak gently, "How do you know who I am?" He asked softly, looking to her like a confused child.

She shrugged, "Chloe.." she choked up a bit remembering why she was in this bathroom in the first place as she said her best friend's name. She started again after a shaky breath, "Chloe doesn't remember names, so I always had to," she shrugged, as if it were normal. She was sure it wasn't, but her and Chloe's friendship wasn't too normal to begin with.

"O-oh," Michael's eyebrows furrowed in slight worry at the break in her voice, "W-Well.. why are you in here? Shouldn't you be with Chloe.. or-or J-Jeremy?.." he looked exactly as Brooke had as he said his friend's name. Brooke flinched, laughing shakily.

"I-I needed a break," she lied, watching Michael nodded sympathetically and crawl into the bathtub, gesturing for her to join. She smiled a little, getting in and sitting across from him.

After a few moments of silence, Brooke spoke.

"Hey, Michael," a hum of recognition, "What was.. that, about," she asked, not directly referring to the panic attack.

"I.." Michael trailed off hesitantly, "J-Jeremy," he sighed, running a hand through his hair, glancing off. He spotted his glasses and scramble to grab them, pushing them on quickly.

"Oh..." Brooke said quietly, not asking any further.

"Well... you.. you clearly aren't here for just a, 'break,'" Michael said, glancing up, "What happened?"

Brooke blinked.. what had happened? She opened her mouth then stopped her reply. She replied slowly and simply, "Jeremy," she said in a similar tone to Michael's, "Well, not just Jeremy.. C-Chloe too.." she frowned.

Michael hesitated, she hadn't asked for the specifics but... "You and Chloe are so close, what could've happened?" He asked, curiously.

"Well.. ah.. she uh, she and Jeremy..." Brooke trailed off. Michael looked to her, wide eyed.

"Really?!" He exclaimed, mouth agape, "Holy shit.." he shook his head, running a hand through his hair, "I'm so sorry, Brooke," he smiled sympathetically, a quiet sadness could be seen in both their eyes as they stared at each other for the longest time.

"A-anyway," Brooke shook her head, bringing them out of their moment, "She- They- They both knew I've already been cheated on- and- if- if it had been anyone other than Chloe, maybe it wouldn't of hurt so much," Brooke smiled sadly, twirling a lock of her hair, "Because.. god, she's a bitch, I cannot deny that.. but, I-I never expected this of her, ya know?"

Michael nodded solemnly, glancing off with tears visible in his eyes, "And- Jere- he- he's been acting different and rude and all.. but, to cheat on you? You seem really sweet Brooke, I can't believe he did that.."

"Yeah, but, it's always like that I guess," Brooke sighed, leaning into the rim of the bathtub, "Chloe's the prettier one, pretty girls always get the guy right? But I'm always the nice one.. shit I can't believe I said that- I mean- Chlo- Chloe.. she's nice.." Brooke looked a bit horrified with herself as she spoke.

Michael eyed her skeptically, "You and I have different definitions of 'nice,' Brooke," he said, "Sorry to say, but Chloe Valentine is a stone cold bitch."

"You don't know her like I do!" Brooke shook her head furiously, "Well.. like I used to, junior year has been a hell of a change..." she sighed, pulling her knees to her chest.

"You're telling me," Michael smiled wistfully, patting Brooke's knee comfortingly.

They fell into a comfortable silence again, smiling sad smiles as they leaned into the bathtub.

It was obvious neither wanted to leave the bathroom. To the loud party, with happy people. With their best friends who'd utterly betrayed them there..

"Wanna go smoke some weed in my basement or somethin'?" Michael suddenly sighed, leaning up against the wall.

"Only if we can grab frozen yogurt first," Brooke mumbled, smiling at the boy slightly.

Michael smiled back, nodding then pushing off from the floor and stepping out of the bathtub. Brooke quickly followed, rubbing at slightly tired eyes.

Just as Michael made to grab the doorknob, a small bullet of darkness burst in, slamming the door behind himself. He had a panicked, frazzled look in his eyes as he shook his head rapidly.

"Guys- I- I- I'm- It- It! I'm sorry!" The boy spoke with an unfamiliar lisp and Brooke eyed him worriedly.

"Rich.. what happened?"
BOOM- finally got the first chapter complete! So, give me your thoughts dudes! I really like this AU that I came up with, I hope I'm doing it some justice!

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