And It All Goes Up In Flames

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Pun intended.

Chapter 2: And It All Goes Up In Flames
Rich continued his frantic head shaking, running a hand through his hair as Brooke tried to calm him down.

"Holy shit.. holy shit.." Rich continued whispering to himself, shrugging off any questions Brooke asked him, trying to let the girl's hold comfort him.

Get out of here you idiot.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rich screamed at the voice in his head, Brooke clutching his arm even harder, worried for the poor boy, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Deactivate!"

As you wish.

Rich slumped over into Brooke, tears stinging in his eyes. The girl pet his hair, casting him a worried look before looking back up.

"Is he alright?" A muffled voice met Rich's ears, and the small boy looked up to see none other than headphones boy.

"I don't think so," Brooke answered the boy, patting Rich's head, "Rich, man, what did you do?"

Rich let out an unintelligible sound, shaking his head into Brooke's shoulder.

"Look man, you may not know me, but I'm Michael Mell, and you kinda took my best friend away from me," Huffed headphones b- er, Michael, glaring over at Rich, "But I'd feel bad if I didn't help you out, okay? So you're gonna have to tell us what the fuck's happening."

Rich bit his lip, looking over to Michael, "Holy shit, dude," He frowned, "I forgot that Jeremy was fucking ignoring you now, that sucks, I'm.. I'm sorry, I guess.." there was a brief moment of stunned surprise and calmness.

"It-It's whatever, man.." Michael sighed, Brooke patting his shoulder, a kind look in her eyes, "Just.. tell us what's up."

"I-" Rich's nervous voice was cut off by a frantic knocking.

"Yo! There's a fire!" Came a horribly scared voice.

Michael's eyes widened and he nearly pulled off the door knob trying to unlock the door.

Brooke had let go of Rich, the two standing off to the side as Michael finally tore the door open, sprinting off quickly. Brooke followed just as quickly, right behind Michael as the boy basically threw himself down the stairs. As they made their way down Michael tried to spot the source of the fire, not the bottom floor, definitely. It was seemingly coming from Jake's room, the second floor, they were just about getting to the second floor. He ran across the increasingly hot floor, coughing a bit from the building smoke.

They were nearly to the next flight of stairs.. he could just.. Michael grabbed Brooke's hand, jumping onto the banister. They slid down it quickly, without falling, Michael wasn't sure how. He continued dragging the girl after him as they barreled towards the exit.

They tripped out of the house, Michael falling over into the grass, Brooke plopping down right next to him.

The girl glanced around at all the people surrounding, fear evident in all their faces before she locked eyes with her.

Chloe had a bit of redness under her eyes, a bit of her make-up running down her face, Brooke was almost certain she'd been crying. Her eyes lightened a bit, seeing Brooke, looking like she was about to walk over. Brooke quickly tore her gaze away, pulling her knees up to her chest.

She tried to bury any relief, any worry she felt from seeing Chloe and instead looked over at Michael who was looking extremely panicked.

"Brooke.." Brooke nodded, looking at Michael, confused, "Brooke. Where.. Where the.. WHERE THE FUCK IS RICH?" He shouted worriedly, pushing off of the ground and looking around.

Jake, who stood just a few feet away, was immediately worried by that, "What? Where did you last see him?" The boy rushed up and away from where he'd been standing next to Chloe.

"Bathroom, third floor," Brooke managed to get out, pointing to the house, looking sick to her stomach.

Jake nodded and rushed into the house, a panicked flurry of voices following him.


"Dude, you could get hurt!"

"You fucking idiot!"

"I don't want to lose two of you!" Brooke's was the last cry that followed, and Michael crouched down, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

A few minutes later and there was still no sign of either of the boys, Brooke looked like she was gonna throw up, Michael wasn't too much better. Chloe's nails were clutching into her arms, nearly digging into her skin. Kids were scattered about the yard, all looking anxious as ever, and yet, none of them had thought to call 911.

A crashing came from around the side of the house, Brooke and Michael being the first to react as they sprinted around the corner, finding a severely burnt, unconscious Rich lying on top of a barley conscious Jake.

Brooke patted around her dress for her phone, and quickly realized she'd left if at home, "Mi-Michael," she shook the boy frantically, still staring at the two boys, who lied on the ground, in horror, "Michael! Call 911!"

Michael nodded rapidly, panickedly grabbing for his phone in his pocket. He shakily typed the number and walked off to make the call.

Brooke crouched to observe the two boys and whispered lowly, as if trying to comfort them, "It's okay boys, we'll get an ambulance here and you'll be all fine! And Jake can live in my house for a while! Dad won't mind, it'll be fine, okay? It'll be okay, you'll be okay," Brooke repeated, not sure who she was trying to reassure anymore.

She continued to ramble to them until Michael gripped her shoulder, "They should be here in five, the ambulance, that is, thank god they're close.."

Brooke stood up, nodding with a shaky sigh, "Do you think they'll let us ride in there?" She asked, she wanted to get into the hospital with the two as soon as she could

"They better," Michael muttered, teeth grinding against each other, "This is the fucking Squip or whatever's fault, I know it.." he continued.

Brooke looked to him, wildly confused,

"Squip?" She asked, "What's that?"

"It's like.. a supercomputer.. but in your head," Michael explained uncertainly, "Jeremy has one, and Rich has had one for god knows how long..."

"Seriously?" She asked, eyes wide, "Why would it be that thing's fault?"

"They can like.. control their actions I think?" Michael said with an angry sigh, "I don't know! But Rich wouldn't do this! Never on his own! At least.. I don't think he would."

"No, no," Brooke nodded, "He wouldn't, I've known him for forever now, we even dated for sometime in freshman year," she laughed sadly, "He- He wouldn't, but, if that thing can do things like this... what could Jeremy's do?"

"I.. don't know," Michael bit his lip, crossing his arms, "But- we shouldn't focus on Jeremy right now. Rich and Jake."

"Rich and Jake," Brooke nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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