Chapter 4

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Thanks guys so much for more than 100 views, it has made me so happy.

I hope you enjoy this chapter:)


The next morning I woke up with a terrible migraine and every time I blinked, my eyes screamed in pain.

I walked to my mirror and saw that my thick, curly dark brown hair had come loose from its French plait and instead it looked like a birds nest. I tried to untangle it but gave up with one brush through.

I checked my watch, it was 8:15am and school started in 25 minutes.

I went down the stairs and quickly prepared my breakfast. I had cereal with milk, the usual. I had ten minutes to get changed so I hurried upstairs and threw on my black jeans and my favourite blue top.

My mum was still not up, so I shouted upstairs 'Get ready!' I then waited for her by the front door when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my eyes and I felt nauseous.

I ran into the downstairs toilet, kneeled on the floor and leaned over the toilet seat as I was worried that I would puke on the floor.

I sat there for a few minutes and slowly the nauseous feeling started to disappear. I pushed myself off the marble floor and rinsed my face with cold water to try and help with the migraine. I dried my face with a towel and looked in the mirror to see how bad I looked. I screamed so loudly that I scared my mum death, she shouted from upstairs "Are you ok?" I replied quickly so that she wouldn't suspect anything. 'Yes mum, everything is fine! Hurry up or I am going to be late for school again'.

I stared at my eyes in shock. My usual dark blue eyes were now separated into four different sections. The top left hand corner of each eye was a deep emerald green, the bottom left hand corner was a deep blood red, the top right hand corner of each eye was a light purplish colour and finally the bottom right hand corner was a dark blue. Together it looked like I had the whole universe in my eyes.

I had no idea what to do; I had never prepared for a situation like this. I had to keep it to myself as I knew that if my mum found she would think that I was seriously ill.

I swiftly composed myself and got out of the bathroom and for once my mum was ready without being called by me three times. She was waiting for me by the door, with a worried expression on her face. Again she asked me if I was fine so I made up a lame excuse that I dropped my hair brush down the toilet.  Luckily, she seemed happy with it.

It was pouring down outside so I ran to the car as quickly as possible. My mum was backing out of the driveway when I noticed that Theo was walking ahead of us to school, he would never make it in time. I wondered whether we should offer him a lift but then I realised that after yesterday it would be one of the most awkward car drives of my life.

I arrived at school with time to spare, which hasn't happened in such a long time.  So I walked through the double doors and walked happily to my locker. I placed my fluffy grey coat and my soggy umbrella inside.

I was waiting at my locker for Eva as we had first lesson together, science, when someone barged right into me. Usually this didn't bother me but today it was a different story. I turned around and started to shout at the guy and everyone stopped to stare. It was as though I could not control my emotions anymore. I know it may sound a bit over the top but I could not control my anger. I kept shouting at him. 

I suddenly felt another sharp pain in my eye, which gave me more anger. Even though the guy hadn't really done anything wrong, I was about to shout at him again, when someone grabbed me firmly from behind and dragged me backwards.

I struggled to get away but it was hopeless.

They dragged me away from the crowd that had built up around me until we reached a quieter corner of the school. I turned around to look at who it was and it was Theo. His eyes flashed red again and somehow I suddenly felt calm.  It was as though he could control my emotions and comfort me.

I was about to say something when he covered my mouth with his hand and whispered, 'Don't tell anyone what you have seen. Everything will become clear soon.' He then walked off down the hallway, leaving me in a state of apprehension.


Thanks for reading:)

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