Chapter 23

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I stood up, keeping my face turned away from him.

'Come on let's go, we need to find wood for the fire and try and find out where our Kalakins went,'I said.

However he grabbed my arm and turned me round to face him.

'Are we not going to even talk about what just happened,' he said.

'No, we don't have time,' I replied. Not wanting to get into a long conversation about it.

Quickly, I created a flame in the palm of my hand so that I could see where we were going.

The creatures had definitely gone, they were nowhere to be seen.

I walked in the direction that our Kalakins had gone.

Where were they?

I could hear Theo following behind, huffing out of frustration. He shot out a ball of fire in front of us, lighting up the surounding area in the distance.

But there was nothing.

'Where are they?' I whispered to myself.

I could feel their emotions, they were scared and worried.

We carried on going, when suddenly I noticed a bright light in the distance.

A rush of hope, flowed through me.

I sped up, the light getting brighter, with every step. Theo's footsteps sped up as well.

They then came into view, their glowing bodies, bolder than ever.

I began to run towards them but Theo abruptly stopped me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and covered my mouth with his hand.

Suddenly I saw that he was pointing to the shadows. There, stood the creatures, staring the Kalakins, as though they were their next prey.

However the Kalakins were completely oblivious to the danger that was heading their way.

What were we going to do?

Wait, they feel our emotions and come to our help when we need it most.

'I have a plan,' I whispered to Theo and told him.

'Ok 3, 2 , 1 go, ' we ran towards the creatures, fearless, if this plan didn't work there would be bloodshed.

I ran with all my might and it was as though the Kalakins knew what they had to do.

They ran towards us and when we stopped right in front of the creatures, before one of them could snatch us away. I turned around and grabbed hold of my Kalakins neck and sat on its back.

It galloped off to safety, as I held onto it's mane for dear life.

Run, keep going I said. My Kalakin could hear me and it sped up, galloping far away from the evil.

I look behind me and there was Theo, smiling from the adrenaline of it all.

I smiled back at him, the wind rushing through my hair.

We carried on going until we got far enough away from the creatures that the Kalakins began to slow down.

'Wow, that was amazing,' I said even though we could have died.

'Yeah that was crazy. At least your plan worked,' Theo said.

He jumped of his Kalakin and walked off.

'Wait what are you doing?' I said but he just ignored me.

A few minutes later he came back with a sack full of wood.

'We have the wood as well now, which will last all night,' he said pretty proud of himself.

Whenever he smiled, my heart skipped a beat.

'Let's go, 'I said and my Kalakin walked on.

Once we reached the 'campsite,' we realised just how long we had been.

Tori, Ky and Stella were huddled together, trying to keep warm.

'Where have you guys been,' Stella said, her teeth chattering.

'Sorrrry,' I said emphasizing the sound of the word.

Theo and I quickly built the fire and then we all huddled together.

I sat far away from Theo but it didn't work. We both kept making eye contact, sharing a secret between us that no one else knew.


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