Chapter 3: Building Competiton

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And the title of "Best Title Namer of the Year" goes to--

NOT jetrashipper :'D

Because I am terrible at names XD

Axel's POV:

"We have what we need, we know what we're building..." Axel said proudly. "We are so ready for this."

"I'm not just ready to build—I'm ready to win," Olivia agreed. Axel was glad she did so. Olivia's confidence was one of the things he liked best about her. Although, her shyness made her look attractive too. Then again, her physical appearance was aMAZing as well.

"Oh, boy. I'm doing it again, aren't I?" Axel inwardly moaned. "Oh, well. At least she can't hear me inside my mind." He had done a good job of hiding it, but Axel had feelings for Olivia. One that was more than just friendship. But how could he be sure she felt the same?

Upon approaching the gate that led into the building competition, Axel saw a gang of friends wearing leather jackets with ocelot faces sewn on the back. Unfortunately, Axel knew that gang well.

"Oh, great," he moaned. "There's Lukas and the Ocelots. The rivalry continues."

"Man, they've got matching jackets and everything," Olivia saw.

"So cool..." Axel had to admit. One of the Ocelots turned around. He had narrowed, green eyes.

"Well, well, well," he huffed. "If it isn't the Order of the Losers."

"Great, the fail squad's here," said a girl from the team.

"Hey, Lukas!" a bearded teammate notified his blonde-haired friend. "Get a load of these losers!"

The boy, (Lukas), didn't say anything insulting. He just turned and stared at the group with a blank expression. "Let's go, guys," he said. But the Ocelots weren't ready to leave just yet.

"Aw, and look," the narrow-eyed one said, pointing at Nikki. "They brought a baby with them this time." Axel watched as Nikki shut her eyes, and let out a patient sigh, admiring her self-control. If someone said something like that to HIM, he would have been tempted to knock them out cold.

"You must be the Ocelots my brother told me about," Nikki replied coolly. "Apparently, what he said is true. Just your average group of jerks dressed in cow hide."

Old Narrow-Eye's expression changed from a smirk to a snarl. "You're gonna wish you NEVER said that, you little midget," he hissed. "Name's Aiden. Better learn the name well if you ever want to watch your back properly." A barely fazed Nikki simply rolled her eyes as Aiden threateningly stalked off, leaving Axel and his buddies dumbfounded.

"What? I told you I'd be fine!" Nikki said.

"Name please?" asked the administration lady.

"Uh, Axel. And how do you do?" Axel greeted the woman back politely.

She shook her head. "No, your team name."

"Team name?" Axel hadn't expected that. "We are not ready for this." He could feel the Ocelots' gaze burn over them.

"We're the Dead Enders!" Jesse blurted quickly.

"Sounds like a name for pirates," Olivia commented.

"Oh, hush. A few seconds longer and we were going to be called the 'No-Names,'" Nikki scolded.

"Okay, Dead Enders. You guys are in Booth 5," the woman said.

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