Chapter 5: EnderCon

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Yup, still terrible at making titles! :'D

Nikki's POV:

"EnderCon is so big!" Nikki thought in amazement. It was to be remembered that this was her first time in the convention. Jesse, Olivia, and Axel had always told her stories of this place, but she'd never seen it with her own eyes. After a short swim to shore, she, Jesse, Petra, and Reuben had taken a shortcut through the woods under the bridge, or what was left of it, straight to EnderCon.

"Hey! Watch it!" Jesse pulled Nikki sharply towards him, out of the path of a pet booth. But not fast enough, because her hand nicked a wooden cage, knocking it over. "Ugh! Great! I know this is your first time and all, but you need to use that remaining eye properly!" he scolded. Reuben gave an oink of agreement, rubbing his head against Nikki's leg worriedly.

"I can't help it if I want to look around," Nikki protested, bending down to pet Reuben. "In case you've forgotten, I haven't been here ever, and I want to get a good view of the place."

"You DO realize we have to help Petra first, right?"

"Exactly. So I want to look around before we're stuck with nothing but a dark creepy alley to look at,"

"How do you even know that's where we're hosting the deal?"

"Would YOU perform some shady dealing out in the open?"

"Speaking of the deal--" Petra interrupted their argument. "When I'm making the trade, I need you two to let me do the talking, okay?"

"Sure, I'll let you handle it," Jesse simply agreed.

"And if you want to be really helpful, try to look intimidating,"

"Like this?" Jesse asked, pulling on the toughest face Nikki had ever seen him attempt.

"I'm...less scared of you, than I am scared for you," she giggled, which got Jesse to turn on her, glaring.

Axel's POV:

Axel paced back and forth nervously. It was dark already, and Jesse and Nikki still hadn't returned from their Reuben retrieval. Had something bad happened?

"Maybe we should go look for them," he said to Olivia.

"Just relax. I'm sure they just got held up somewhere," Olivia assured him. "EnderCon is pretty popular, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had to jostle through a few people to get here." Axel guessed that was true, but nothing stopped him from being concerned. Although...he DID really like hanging out with Olivia alone. After all, who doesn't like being alone with your crush/best friend?

"It's sweet of you to worry about them, though," Olivia added shyly.

"Oh! Uh...yeah, sure," Axel replied awkwardly. Silence.

"Well...Olivia?" Axel asked.


"Since they're not here, maybe we could--"

"Oh look! They made it! They're here!" Olivia interrupted happily, rushing towards their friends as they appeared with Reuben and...Petra?

"Now?" he said, partly disappointed. "Oh well," he sighed. "You WERE worried about them before. May as well go say hi."

Olivia's POV:

"Jesse! Nikki!" Olivia heard Axel's booming voice greet their friends.

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