Chapter 4: So, We Meet Again

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Fun fact: Do you guys know how long it took me to type the title correctly? 

Answer: 15 times.


Jesse's POV:

That night, Jesse and Nikki ran deeper into the woods. Still no sign of Reuben. Jesse was starting to get worried. Nighttime plus no allies meant huge trouble. They had to find Reuben fast. So far, he and his sister had found pig tracks, a carrot, and saw smoke in the distance, but that was all. A little farther up, there was a herd of pigs, but none of them were Reuben. He tried calling out, but only the older pigs responded.

"Reuben? Reu—no not you gu—pigs! All pigs but Reuben shut up!" he snapped. None of them listened, but kept on oinking. To make things worse, the herd had scattered the ash-burnt pig tracks from earlier. So now they'd have to rely on luck to find their pet. Jesse searched a nearby shrub, but a chicken popped out, slightly jumpscaring him.

"Is it weird that I'm suddenly craving bacon now?" Nikki hissed in a grave tone, eyeing the herd of pigs pushing against the siblings, trying to find food. Jesse suggested they follow the smoke before things got violent, and the pair pressed on.

"Reuben, it's getting scary out here!" Jesse called out, nervously glancing at the rising moon. He and Nikki didn't have much time left before the monsters started spawning. When they saw that the smoke was coming from Reuben's dragon costume, the siblings started to panic.

"Oh, geez! I was just kidding about the bacon! Pleased don't be toasted, Reuben!" Nikki begged. Jesse lifted the costume wing, but to his relief, it was empty. Reuben was no longer inside. Breathing sighs of relief, Jesse and Nikki stomped out the smoke and kept moving.

"Hi!" said a sudden cheery voice. Whirling around, Jesse saw a young man with gloves and a beard waving at him. He was standing with an Oriental female with blue clothes and a girl with caramel skin and a ponytail. It was the team from Booth 3.

Nikki's POV:

Nikki recognized the other team from the building competition. What were they doing here at night?

"We saw a flaming pig go running past our house," the bearded man explained. "It was wearing a dragon costume like yours."

"You saw Reuben?! Where?!" Nikki asked excitedly.

"He seemed really scared," the blue-clothed girl said. "We helped get that outfit off, then took him to our house. He's waiting there now."

"Oh, thank Notch!" Jesse breathed. "Thank you all so much."

"Happy to do it," said the ponytailed girl. "Now, let's bring you to him."

After a few short minutes of walking to a birch wood cottage, Jesse and Nikki saw Reuben reclining on the porch. When he saw his owners, he waggled his chubby haunches and sprang off the steps, racing for them.

"Reuben! There you are," Jesse sighed. He fed him the carrot, which Reuben hungrily munched up, and pat his head.

"Oh, we're so happy to see you," Nikki gushed, scratching the piglet under his chin. Reuben gave a contented squeal, then allowed Nikki to pick him up "Thanks again for finding him," she told the trio gratefully.

"No sweat," the man said modestly. "Oh yeah, I'm fighter33000, but you can call me William."

"Micherio123," said Ponytail. "But Kristine's an alternative."

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