The tested

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I woke up in a dark and dampened room. It was pitch black, well almost. The only light that entered the room was the light shining in from the window, and yet it barley lit the room. I had a massive migraine which made things more irritating. "Wha? What happened? What's going on?" I said while clutching my head, hoping it would make the pain go away (though I knew it wouldn't). Seeing as I couldn't see, I felt around for something, anything. Finding what I think was the wall, I stood up, using the wall for balance and started walking in hopes to find at least a light switch. After going some distance (maybe a couple of feet), I was yanked back by something attached to my neck. "What the hell?" I said while "examining" (if you can call it that) the item. "Metal??" Just then there was something moving beside me. I backed away as far as I could before it spoke.

"Hello? I-Is anybody there?" Instantly I recognized the voice. "Jackie. Jackie is that you?" I said moving an inch closer. "W-who's there and how do you know my name?" She said with her voice shaking as if it were scared (who could blamed her right? This wasn't exactly a pleasant situation to be in). "Jackie, it's me, Katie." I said, growing more worried by the minute. "Katie? What are you doing here? Where are we? What's going on?" She said about a mile a minute. You could tell she was becoming very frantic. "I don't know. But I'm sure we'll be fine." I said trying to calm her somewhat. Another something started moving, but next to Jackie this time. My heart started racing I and at this point I was terrified. I assume it's a person based on what happened last time something started moving. She backed away from it scared out of her mind.

"Jackie? Katie, is that you? It's me, Damien. Do either of you know where we are or how we got here?" "Nuh-uh" we both said in unison. "Well, this is just fucking fantastic." he said with a exasperated sigh. Unlike Jackie, he sounded much more calm and relaxed about the situation. Normal people wouldn't be this calm, right? I guess he wasn't a normal guy though. If he WAS scared I surely wouldn't be able to tell. Then we heard what sounded like Austin's voice. "What the fuck? What the fuck is this?! Where the hell am I?!"He shouted. "Calm down Austin. We don't know. We woke up here just like you." He said calmly. "Does anyone even remember what happened?" "No. In fact, the only thing of some significance I remember is that we were leaving a cabin." Jackie said, having calmed down a bit. We all nodded in unison, confirming that was the only thing any of us remembered. "What for?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "I swear if I don't get some answers I'm gonna-" before he could finish his sentence, the lights flashed on.

Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, I saw a figure behind the door. Looking at it closely I figured it was a woman. The figure then walked in the room rather slowly. Not only did I find I was right, I was as shocked as the others to see who was standing in the doorframe. "Mrs. Johnson?" I asked stunned. Mrs. Johnson was our neighbor who ALWAYS talked about her dream of being a teacher and educating students (me, Jackie, Damien, and Austin aren't just best friends but were neighbors). She talked about it so much, and it annoyed us so much that we all hated her for it. We didn't know what we wanted to do, but she was almost there. We were jealous. So yeah, we hated her, but not enough to actually do anything. She just smiled and said "Welcome, and thank you for coming." The four of us just stared at her in confusion.

"As I'm sure you've noticed, you don't remember much about the last couple of months or so but that's not important as of now. I've always wanted to be a teacher, so you will each under go a "test" if you will. In order to find out why you're here and my secret, you must complete the test, and do so successfully. Failure to do so will result in death." We gasped at what she was saying. I couldn't believe this. Was this a prank? Was I dreaming? What was going to happen to us? She continued talking. "Don't worry. You won't be killed immediately, but when the time is right, you will die. However, if you do manage to complete the test successfully, then you will be released and free to live your lives. Follow the rules, and you'll be just fine." "Why you motherfucker! You can't just lock us here and make us take these "tests" of yours! Let us out right now!" He lunged forward to attack her, but was kept restrained by the neck collar that had gotten me earlier. Then, with a grin, she said "Class is now in session."

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