Chapter 2

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(Damien's pov) I see her looking at the four of us, deciding on whom should go first I assume. While she's doing that I look at everyone to assess the situation (more or less). Austin was thrashing around trying to get out of the collar, the only thing keeping him from attacking Mrs. Johnson. That thing was made of metal so he wasn't going to get far. I look at Jackie and Katie. Jackie is curled in a ball bawling her eyes out, and it's obvious that Katie's scared, but she won't let it show. I guess I have to stay strong for the group.

"You" she says while pointing her finger at me. "Your first. Don't struggle or I'll be forced to hurt you." She unlocks the collar and drags me to a room. She then shuts the door and locks it. "Just peachy" I say to myself. The first thing I notice are the 2 doors directly in front of me, both with signs on them. The signs on the door on the left says "enter to live" while the one on the right says "enter to die." "The hell is this?" He says to himself. "Your test" she proclaims. I look around but don't see her anywhere. Her voice wasn't coming from any one direction, but everywhere. There were no speakers in the room, so how am I able to hear her?

"For your test, all you have to do is simply pick a door. One door is the exit to the outside and key to your freedom, the other door is the key to your demise. Just follow the rules and you should get the right one. One bit of advice, If I were you, I'd pick the door on the left." Then she stops talking. I waited for her to talk again, but hear nothing. Eventually my gaze turns to the two doors. "One is the exit, the other is a trap. But which ones which?" "Geez am i panicking? I can't even think straight! You know what? Why would I listen to your advice huh?! I KNOW you want to kill us! You want me to listen to you, and go through the wrong door?! HAH! I don't think so!" I walk to the the door on the right and walk in. The door immediately slams shut behind me, making me jump. "You chose wrong." My head starts to throb, and the pain gets gradually worse. As the pain intensifies, my. Is ion gets more blurred. Then I blacked out.

(Flashback/memory) I was watching a man and woman by the woods. The woman looked just like Mrs. Johnson, but the mans face and body were too blurry to make out. His voice was mumbled. He had just finished putting up all the signs. That was a lot more work than he thought from the way he was sweating. He had started putting away his tools when he saw Mrs. Johnson walking closer. "Shit!" He quickly grabbed his stuff and hide behind the bushes. She sees the sign, which reads "Mrs. Johnson this way. I have something for you." She knew it meant her. It's a small town, and she's the only one with the last name Johnson around here. It's a REALLY small town. Her gut told her to just keep walking, but her curiosity leads her down the path into the woods. He followed behind, careful not to make any noise. As they approached closer and closer to the cabin, He got the needle ready. She walks in the cabin, and looks around at the doorway. "This is it" He thought to himself. He pulled up his hood so she couldn't see him,and jabbed the needle in her neck. He depressed the plunger and pulled it out. She turned around, saw him, and tried to swing a punch. Only thing is she collapses before can. She wasn't dead, just asleep. He dragged her to the basement and tie her up so she can't escape. "Now the plan could start" (end of flashback/memory)

I woke up and jolted as if something was attacking me, which there wasn't. I sat down and thought "what was that? That couldn't have been me. I would remember something like this. I mean, it's just not something someone could forget so easily. And what plan? What were we planning on doing?" I had pretty much convinced myself that it wasn't me. Then she came back in, grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me back to the others and attached me to the collar. "I failed...that's it. It's over for me" I said almost crying. The others gasps, and Jackie did start crying. Mrs. Johnson leaned down mad whispered in my ear "shame, I thought I'd taught you better. You should have followed the rules. Rule#1. Always listen to your teacher." And with that she walked out and shut the door.

(Katie pov) She walked out and shut the door behind her. "Dude what the fuck happened in there?!" Austin yelled. "She said it was my test. There were to doors. One was an exit. The other was a trap. I had to pick one. She told me to pick the one on the left, which turned out to be the exit. I picked the one on the right, which is why I'm still here." He said as he held back tears. "Your such an idiot! Why didn't you listen to her and pick the one she told you to?! If you would have just listened you could have gottenout! YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN HELP!" Austin had started yelling at this point. "STOP YELLING AT HIM AUSTIN! ISNT HE GOING THROUGH ENOUGH?!" Jackie screamed. The whole room fell silent. Jackie wasn't one to yell at people, so when she yells, you know it's time to stop. "Not nearly enough" Austin mumbled.

"Can you to put this argument aside for the moment and use your brains? That memory that came back, does anybody know where the cabin was?" I said slightly annoyed at the both of them. Jackie turned her head in confusion, "why". "Because it might help figure out where we're at." "How is knowing where the cabin is going to tell us where we are?" Austin spat. Damien gave Austin the death glare, which made Austin behave if only for a bit. "Well clearly they were in the same place right? Well it showed the cabin being in the woods right? There are only so many cabins/houses in the woods. Not only that, but she would need somewhere secure and somewhat undetectable so she can pull this off. So assuming she took us near the cabin, we could have an idea of any cabins near the cabin we were taken from. "Ok valid point I guess? But no, I don't know." He said grudgingly. "Damien? Jackie?" I said, hoping one of them knew. Both shook their heads. "It was worth a shot" I sighed.

"What about the plan?" Jackie stated. "What? What are you talking about Jackie?" Austin said, finally calming down. "Remember? He said the plan could start. What plan? What was going to start and what was he going to do?" We all sat in silence, thinking about what he was about to do. The silence was broken by the door opening, this time Mrs.Johnson was pointing at Austin.

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