Chapter 3

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(Austin's pov) "It's time for you to take your test." If I'm gonna get out of here, maybe I can attack her by surprise. I sit and wait as she unlocks the collar and yanks me to my feet. I take the opportunity to land a punch straight at her face. I feel my fists hit her face. "YES!" But to my surprise, she was still standing. Hell! She didn't even budge! Before I could blink I was slammed into the wall. My head hit the concrete wall. Hard. I slid down clutching my head. I took a look at my hand to find it bleeding. "Great." She grabs me by the arm, and in a demonic voice, says "don't you DARE try that again" then proceeds dragging me to the room. As I'm being dragged I can see the horrified looks on the others faces, before the door slams shut.

I'm locked in a room with a chair in the center. "Sit down." I hear her say. I look around but she's not there. She's not even in the room. What the hell was this, black magic? Yeah, that had to be it, I mean what else could it be? Then I heard her again. "Don't make me tell you again. Sit down. Sit down NOW!!" she yelled as the entire room shook. I sat in the chair as instructed, seeing as there was no other way put. If there was it wasn't noticeable. "All you have to do is sit there and listen without saying so much as a word. Do that until the end, and you can walk free." Out of nowhere I heard people muttering something, but I couldn't make out what. It sounded like a man and a woman. The woman was crying and the man just yelled even more. Then he laughed and grabbed...paper maybe? Then the woman started screaming. It was unbearable at this point. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WHAT AM I LISTENING TO?!" I yelled. "Shame, you failed." My head started pounding and every move I made just seemed to make it worse. Then i saw it.

(Flashback/memory) there were four people on a room. All of them were blurry and muffled. He heard cries from downstairs. "Ugh. The bitch is screaming again. Should I take care of it?" He asked pleading. It was a different man this time. "Go ahead, I don't care." Said One of the women. He appeared to be grinning and walked to the basement. There he saw Mrs.Johnson bawling. It was a really pathetic thing to see. "Please, please let me go. I-I won't tell anyone I promise! Please just let me go!" She yelled. "Quiet!" He yelled back as he slapped her. She still refused to stop her annoying bawling. He thought he'd have some fun. He wadded up some paper and shoved it down her throat. Watching her gag just made him laugh. "Now, will you stop yelling?" She quickly nodded, running out of air. He removed the paper allowing her to breath, but it did some good damage for just being a ball of paper. He laughed and walked back upstairs. "How'd it go?" The other woman said. "I took care of it." He said still grinning his creepy grin. (End of flashback/memory) Before I even realized it I was being dragged back to the collar and attached. She got it around me neck despite all my struggling. Before she left she said "Rule #2. Never talk when teacher is talking." Then slammed the door.

(Katie pov) I watched as she slammed the door. "These were some messed up mother fuckers huh?" Damien said. "I-I..." He could barley get a word out. I sighed and just looked up. By the order of things Jackie is next. My mind was still fixated on the plan. Clearly they tortured her, but they let her go right? Otherwise, how was she here in front of us. At this point I'm trying to remember. I'm trying to remember anything I can. Since the last escape attempt failed, there's really no use. Besides, she moved with ungodly speed. No human could move that fast, so how is that possible? And why us? What did we ever do to her? We didn't do this to her so why us? Before I could think of a logical answer, the door opened. She undid Jackie's collar and dragged her to the room. She was crying hysterically, and at this point I can only wait.

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