Final chapter

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We all sat there wide-eyed. Austin spoke up. "Dude are you fucking insane? I mean c'mon, she's dead?" "Yes! It's the best explanation." Damien said. "Convince me!" Austin said screaming so loudly that it made the only light in the room shake. Damien sighed and said "If she were alive, she'd either A. Still be in that cabin being tortured, or B. Going to the police for help, or C. In the hospital from her injuries. Besides, someone is bound to notice her and call for help. In today's day and age They would have been caught by now." We all sat there in silence. We all knew the idea was crazy, but in theory it made sense. "Then why is she after us and not her killers?" Austin said trying to find a flaw in his argument. "Because WE are her killers."

Of course! It all made sense! I mean, why else would her last words to us be she'll never forgive US if we didn't kill her? The blurred faces and the I identified voices we've been seeing, they're ours. We've been watching what we did to her. She's tormenting us the same way we did her. I started crying. I couldn't take this. Then that dreaded door opened, and Mrs. Johnson pointed at me. She dragged me to the room and the door slammed. She was standing in front of me, unlike what she did with the others. She had a knife in her hand. Was she going to stab me? She outstretched her arm, I closed my eyes and I readied myself. Nothing. I felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see her standing in the same position. Did she want me to take it? I hesitantly took the knife from her cold hands. She backed up a couple of steps and just looked at me with cold eyes. "It's time for the final test."

"You have two options. One. You can stab me with that knife, and in doing so getting rid of me forever, or two. You can put down the knife, and walk away. You should know th-" "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! You've been messing with me and my friends! Well you know what? Not anymore! This is goodbye you bitch!" I closed my eyes, lunged forward and plunged the knife straight into her heart. "Finally, it's over." It was over alright, but not in the way I had expected. I opened my eyes to see her grinning from ear to ear.

What?! I stabbed her! In the heart! How is she still here?! "Shame, you lost. Don't you remember rule#1? Always listen to teacher. If you would've waited to the end, you could've known that if you put the knife down, you could've walked away, with your friends as well." I froze. Not only did i doom myself, but my friends too. "Please, please spare us. Yes, what we did was wrong. We'll pay for what we've done in jail and rot. They'll lock us up and throw away the key." Her grin turned into a frown so ghastly and horrific that it would make the devil himself quake In his boots. "You're begging now? Show some dignity! Why should I listen to your crystal for mercy when you wouldn't show me the same courtesy?! Jail is too good for you all, and you deserve what's coming to you."

"If nothing else, can you explain why you didn't disappear like you said you would?" I wanted to know this much at least. "You discovered my secret didn't you? I'm dead! Did you honestly think you could kill a spirit? The only way I can go are if I come to terms with my death and move on, or I take care of my unfinished business, and I REFUSE to come to terms with what you've done." I started crying. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. "I want to you to know what you've done to me before I kill you." And with that I remembered.

(Flashback/memory) Everything was perfectly clear this time. I saw me. I was holding a knife and smiling. I walked to the basement where Mrs. Johnson was and twirled the knife. The look of horror on her face was absolutely priceless. I sat on her lap. "Well looks like this is the end. It's been fun" I giggled. "Please, please don't do this to me" she pleaded with her tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. I wiped her tears away, then stabbed her in the shoulder. She screamed with pain and agony written in her voice. It was so thrilling! I stabbed her again, and again and again. She just kept on screaming and flailing. I stabbed her in the heart, and her screams came to an end. Her body was motionless. It was fun while it lasted. I whispered in the ear of her lifeless body "Always be prepared for "class" " and with that, I walked upstairs and locked the basement door. (End of flashback/memory)

I stared at Mrs. Johnson. At this point that's all I could do. She pulled the knife from her hear, and aimed toward me. She ran forward and stabbed me. I couldn't breath. My stomach was in immense pain, but I couldn't scream. I backed up against the wall and my back slid down it. She leaned in and whispered "Rule#4. treat your teacher the way you want to be treated." Then I blacked out. She stood back up and said "class is now over" then disappeared.

(Months later) They finally found our bodies. I was wondering when they would. I should say "we" were wondering. We watched as the policemen and analyst looked over our bodies. Damien died from non-self induced drug overdoes. Austin died from being cut by the neck to his vocal cords, bleeding to death. Jackie died from food poisoning, having it shoved down her throat. And me, well, I died from being repeatedly stabbed. We all just sat there, watching, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Mrs. Johnson smiling at us. "Looks like we have new students."

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