Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


"You out here, Hunter? Oh—hey, yeah, sorry to interrupt! I can catch you later—uh—as you were."

Russ's voice broke slowly into my hormone-driven mind, and it took me a second to pull away from Cami, both of us panting. I glanced in his direction before looking at her. If my hair resembled hers at all then everyone was going to know exactly what we'd been doing. I briefly wondered how many employees lost their job on the first day for fraternizing.

"Hey, man. Hold up!" I called before the back door closed all the way.

His hand came out to catch it, but the rest of him didn't reappear. "Are you sure it's safe?" he asked.

I chuckled at Cami who was frantically running her hands over herself as she tried to straighten her clothes and hair. I couldn't help my widening grin as I ran my fingers through my own, trying to fix it too. I should be shot for attacking her like this in a friggin' alleyway.

"Yeah, it's cool, bro. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing important." He gradually peeked his head around before deeming it safe enough to set out apparently. "I just stopped by to give you crap at work, and Clay told me you and Cami were on your break. He said you'd gone outside."

Good ole Clay. I felt my happy demeanor ice up a bit. "How nice of him to keep tabs on us," I replied. "Whatever would we do without him?" I glanced at Cami, feeling irritated.

She pushed past me. "We still have seven minutes left on our break. Let's go in and get drinks. Russ, we'll get you one on the house."

"Sweet!" Russ grinned and followed after her.

I tagged along behind them, figuring the best thing I could do right now was appear without being attached to her hip. I couldn't help the small smile, which continued to grace my mouth. She was gorgeous, and she was mine. My stubborn inner child wanted to walk right up to Clay and tell him, "Cami loves me." Heck with Clay, I wanted to tell everyone! It wasn't going to happen though, so I would have to content myself with casting secretive glances of admiration in her direction.

She went to Clay, who was working the counter, and ordered her soda. I stopped at Mandy's register. I'd never talked to her before, but she was in some of my classes at school. She seemed nice enough. When Russ saw I wasn't going to follow Cami, he came over with me.

"What you having?" I asked.

"Dr. Pepper," he replied.

"Mandy, give us two Dr. Peppers, and why don't you let my buddy, Russ, here have my free popcorn. I'm feeling a little generous today."

Mandy smiled, pushing her plastic rimmed glasses farther up her nose. "You seem awfully happy tonight. Are you enjoying your new job?"

"I am happy." I grinned and looked over at Cami who was staring at me while she waited for her soda. I winked and she smiled. "As far as the job . . . well, I'm enjoying some of the extracurricular benefits that come with it."

Cami snorted, and Mandy gave us both a funny look.

"Check this out, Russ," I said, pulling him away to stare at some of the Coming Soon movie posters before she could ask me any more questions.

"What?" Russ asked as I glanced to where Clay looked like a volcano ready to explode.

"Nothing. That chick was getting nosy. If people knew Cami and I were kissing outside we both could get fired. While it doesn't hurt my feelings any, I don't want Cami to lose her job."

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