"Your not even drop dead gorgeous but you kill me everday."

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Everything was perfect and fine until I did something. I don't know if it was my brain or all the years of waiting for him. But now that I had him it didn't make sense. I ran. I literally ran away from my dream guy and now he probably had moved on.

Now I was in my room eating ice cream and watching rom coms. My makeup was still on but I did put on a oversized t-shirt and short shorts.

It was raining outside now like thunder and lightning . I thought of the scene in the notebook and I can only think of how bad I screwed up.

As if on cue I thought I heard my name being yelled. I opened my bedroom door to find it person less. Before I shut my door I heard my name again. I then checked my window and sure enough there was a drenched in rain Alec.

I opened my window not caring if the rain got inside.

"What are you doing here?" I yelled at him. I saw lighting and started to get worry for his safety.

"Why did you run?" He yelled back. I wish he didn't ask that. I shut the window and got my shoes and jacket on. I raced downstairs and opened the door. I walked toward Alec and felt the rain drenching me.

" I'm not perfect Alec. I'm not a drop dead gorgeous girl who will make you happy. We know each other so well that I would be boring for you. I want you to have adventure. Like you always used to dream about. I have so many flaws, to many to count, and you are amazing. You could have any girl you want. Why choose me?" I go to go back inside but he grabs my wrist.

"Let's go to the park." The whole way there is awkward silence and the only sound is rain a our shoes squishing from the water. Finally we are here and the memories from when we were young come into my mind.

Flash back.

When we get to the park I see a my ex bestfriend Mya. Mya and I were best buds until I told her that I liked a boy named Toby. She then asked him out and started dating him. They were kissing by the tree that we always hung out at. I run to the swings, put on my headphones. I did realize I was crying.

"Belle how come your crying?" Alec asks "Sorry. I can'tell you since it is embarrassing."

"How about this I tell you something, and you tell me something embarrassing."

"Ok, you go first."

"It was last year. I was playing football with some of my friends. These girls came over, and started watching us. We decided we would see who could get who's number first. So I walked up to this girl Chloe. I asked her she gave me a number and I went back to my friends. My friends were spending the night at my house so they were like call the number. So I did and a guy answered. I said is this Chloe and he said no this is her older brother though. It was so embarrassing that she gave me her brothers number." I died of laughing.

"Listen Alec when I tell you this I'm trusting you not to tell anyone. Ever."

"I promise."

"In 5th grade there was this boy Toby. I liked him alot. I told my best friend Mya, and she just decided to ask him out. It broke my heart. She bullies me when no one is watching, she glares at me, and uses Toby to make me jealous. I start crying because they are over there kissing under our tree. Mya and I had a tree where we would hangout." he held my hand and start hugging me.

"I'm so sorry Belle. I can't believe she does that to you. Don't worry though I will protect you." We were still hugging. His touch felt so nice.

End of Flashback.

I feel a chill on my spine as we walk over to those swings.

"Remember?" Is all he says. Keeping things short.

"Yes." He looks at me and it is as if time has stopped. I take I his features for what seems like the billionth time doing so.

"Belle?" I look up into his eyes.


"Your not even drop dead gorgeous, but you kill me everyday. I don't know what this is, but will you be my girlfriend?" I look at him and smile.

"Yes." He looks at me and smiles and then leans in. Our second kiss.

2 weeks later.

Everything seems so perfect. Life is at its greatest from me right now. I have an amazing boyfriend, a nice family, good friends, I'm a cheerleader, and my birthday is coming up soon.

"Hey babe." I loved that word. Alec came in my room and sat down on my bed and the laid down next to me.


"I missed you." I rolled my eyes. I knew what he was doing and I was going to fall for it. I was going to make him fall in my trap.

" I know I missed you too. Even though we saw each other at school two hours ago I still missed you." I said with sarcasm.

"Babe, I was wondering if maybe this weekend I could go hangout with the guys at the club?"

"Have fun. The girls and I were actually thinking of going to Chuck Morris's party."

"I don't want you going to that party." I know he hates chuck.

"Why not?" I looked up from my phone and looked at him.

"Because that guy is trouble."

"If i don't go the party, you can say goodbye to going to the club with the guys." He looked at me and frowned.

"That was your intention in the first place wasn't it." I nodded.

"I love having a smart girlfriend."

"And I love you."

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