When a girl at school is being bullied who is her unlikely hero none other than yours truly Logan Paul when the girl gets caught up in a deadly game will she survive read on to find out
It was 6:00am in the morning I was getting ready for my first day of High School... Great i hadn't even got to school yet and i can already tell I'm gonna hate it. Hi my names Pandora, I'm 14 years old i live in LA. and I'm starting at Meraki High as a freshman uhh.
I start to get out of bed when i got a reminder on my phone saying : First day Welcome to hell Pandora, my amazing sense of humour but i was right, i put my hair into a messy bun and put on my faveorite hoodie. with some black jeans and black boots.
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Before i leave the door i grab my Walkman and beats and start playing my tunes i recorded, i walk out of my alleyway and grab a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from the bakery down the road. they knew my family so i get my sandwiches for free.
i start to walk to school and i hear laughs behind me i turn around to see 3 girls who all seem to be the same age as me, they immediately stop laughing, basic bitches i thought as i continued to walk the laughing and comments continued.
i walk through the doors of Meraki and straight away i feel a sinking feeling i look down at the piece of paper i was given the day i enrolled and i look at my locker number 213, off i go into the abyss...
As i got to my locker i felt a pair of hands on my shoulders push me and slam me into the locker "hey look a freshman faggot" said the girl her two minions laughing "I'm Morgan but you will refer to me as your almighty superior" i looked at her in disgust and fear she was strong but i managed to push her off me.
P= Pandora M= Morgan L= Logan
P- Why do u hate me I've done nothing wrong
M- I Don't need a reason to want to bully someone its fun.
She pushes me against the locker again this time pulling off my headphones and smashing my walkman
M- Also nobody walks around with these anymore u in the 1900's Faggot
Just then a tall Blond Guy in senior year came up and interjected
L- Why do you feel the need to bully freshmen Morgan
M- Oh hi Logan, oh no I'm just trying to make friends we were just playing weren't we umm..
L- I will just stop you right there Morgan, Fuck off..
As Morgan stood there stunned at what Logan just said he put his arm around me and dragged me away.
L- Sorry about that Morgan always picks the first freshman she finds and bullies them unfortunately u where in the wrong placed at the wrong time.
P- Yeah lucky for me, My names Pandora and I'm guessing your Logan
L- Yeah I'm Logan nice to meet you Pandora, if Morgan bothers you again just come find me and i will help you.
P- Thanks Logan
I hugged Logan and as i look up his face is shocked but turns into a smile and says "its ok, hey do u know where your classes are" i look at him releasing him from the hug and saying "oh yeah i don't know where my classes are, and to be really honest they say these classes are mixed what does that mean"
L- oh it means that different Grades are mixed into classes instead of it just being one Grade in one class.
P- oh so i might be in a class with you?
L- Yeah lemme see your time table... Yeah lol we have the same time table so just follow me and you should be fine.
In this moment i felt like i had found a good friend even if he wasn't in my grade maybe just maybe i could be happy for once...