The Sleepover From Hell

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1 Hour Later...

All the boys come back,

L- Logan J- Jonah C- Corbyn Ja- Jack D- Daniel Z- Zach P- Pandora

P- Oh My God...

i looked at all the boys shocked as they all return in onesies and they throw one at me i look at it they got me a panda onesie 

L- There you go you can be one of the onesie gang 

P- Ok lemme go put it on 

i went to my bathroom and put on the onesie and come back down to an empty room 

P- Guys???

i went and sat down on my beanbags and the i get tackled and tickled by all the guys i screamed really loud and was also laughing I'm really ticklish



P- U guys nearly made me pass out 

J- Lol sorry.

i see bags of food in there hand and also a few other things

P- GUYS whats this

Z- We thought we would surprise you with a few presents

They had bought me a mini fridge a small tv and a laptop 

P- You shoulnt have 

L- Well we did

They hook up the tv and we all watch Netflix for a good few hours when we had finished binge watching American Horror Story we looked at the clock and saw it was 2am 

J- Well what should we do now 

We all looked at each other in silence until i had a bright idea. I ran off and came back 2 minutes later with a Ouija Bored

P- Well what do u say

They all looked at each other worried and agreed we played the ouija bored for a good few minutes before we got any activity

L- If there are any spirits in this room please move the panchlet and talk to us...

C- I hate ouija boreds all the times I've used them something goes wrong

P- Welp we seem to be getting nothing through so shall we say goodbye

Z- Yeah

We all said good bye to the spirit and took away our hands. even though we all knew it was 2:30 in the morning we still wanted food so i suggested Taco bell all the boys except Jonah went out and went to get the TACOS.

J= Jonah P= Pandora

P- So what u wanna do while we wait.

J- Well i need the toilet so i will be back in a minute

P- Ok

About 5 mins later Jonah started to come back down the ladders from the bathroom and when he turned and faced me he started running at me when i felt a Needle pierce my neck I fell to the floor and the last image i saw before i blacked out was Jonah take a swing at the Guy and the guy Push Jonah into the Wall... The guy took my phone and ran off... The last thing i saw  was Jonah trying to keep me awake But before i knew it i was asleep...

Until The EndWhere stories live. Discover now