The Party...

24 1 0

'Listen to the music as you read the chapter makes it better'


As i walk up to the house i immediately hear the music booming. i get to the door and place my money in the bucket and walk right in, its amazing how they will let anyone in. 

i look around trying to find were there serving the drinks after about 5 minutes of searching i find the table with all the drinks i immediately go for the strongest when all of a sudden i hear a familiar voice in the crowd of people... Corbyn... what was he doing here SHIT i see him i quickly duck behind a large group of people.

'ok pandora you can do this just find the drugs and leave no need to stay just get out quickly' i kept saying this over and over to keep myself sane i need to find the partys dealer. fuck my life...

after another 10 minutes of searching and avoiding Corbyn i found the partys dealer.

Dealer- Hey are you not a little young to be at a frat party

Pandora- Do i look like i give a fuck

Dealer- Daym girl got an attitude what can i get you

Pandora- Give me the strongest shit you've got

Dealer- Alright so a coke vape it is.

Pandora- How much...

Dealer- For a first timer like you just take it.

Pandora- Oh ok thanks i guess.

Dealer- K go be free.

i gave him an odd look as i walk off i take a puff of the vape and boy was he right this is strong shit... as the music kept going it was about half an hour later right now I'm high as fuck and kinda drunk and i defiantly feel sick but I'm still dancing.


I think Corbyn saw me and I'm pretty sure he text the boys as i hear a loud crash and literally everybody at the party looks at the front door i then heard voices saying 'Corbyn where is she' he pointed in my direction and so i started to run as i saw them, they defiantly saw me... as they are now running as well but they are obviously faster then me. as I'm running i manage to make my way out the door me being drunk and high at the same time dosent make things any easier for me it just makes me delusional to the point i think i can jump the fence... i ended up falling down the steps on the porch.

as i quickly stand up and turn around i see the boys at the door so i start running again i think i got about 3 meters down the road before i was picked up and threw over a shoulder i look and see its logan but me being me I'm kicking and screaming to be put down but i soon give up and everything goes blurry and i soon pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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