Chapter ~ 21

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Mishi's POV.

Kill her now right here just like her mother

My eyes widen after hearing what he said
I looked over at Jimin to see if I could sense what he was thinking but.........

I couldn't read him his thoughts, facial expressions, his body movements nothing
Everything that I've always was able to do was not working I felt like I lost my focus that I lost control and I hated it

But Jimin He just looked at me with a blank expression like I was no one
It scared me it actually scares me to be like this right now
Would he actually do it like he fooled me once will he fool be twice I don't know

But what I do know is that no matter what
I'm not the one ending up being dead

My mom and dad made a mistake I'm not gonna end up like my mom if I have to hurt jimin I will it's after all up to him to decided which side he's on

Now it's the perfect time to know if I can trust him or not
In the end my feelings won't get to me or at least I hope so

Having eye contact with each other made the scene seem more intense

I just really wanted it all to get over with it instead of this I can't take that nothing is said or done that I don't know what he's gonna choose

I looked at jimin still wondering what he's thinking

Seconds after seconds
Minutes after minutes where we just standing there doing nothing no one moved no one said anything

There was only silence until now when he spoke to jimin again

Why are you waiting so long jimin kill her to prove yourself to me

Jimin's eyes switched from looking at me to looking at his father
I felt like preparing myself now for the worst while looking around the room for all the places I could escape if anything went wrong

Jimin! Now!

I can't

I looked up at him surprised I thought he would actually kill me since he didn't said anything until now

What did you say

I can't kill her!

You will rather go against me to save this girl!

Jimin kept quiet while looking at me
I could feel he was uncomfortable with the situation

You really became useless and weak

No I didn't


You more like the dumbass than him

I couldn't just stand there listen to him saying these things to Jimin
Jimin isn't these things he say he is so I can't stop myself from bugging in

I saw Jimin slightly smiling when I talked back at his dad but he quickly became all focused again as his dad got mad

Your bitch if Jimin isn't gonna kill you I will

I moved back a little as he was heading towards me fast
I was getting scared as I couldn't defend myself because I didn't had a weapon but before he could come near me Jimin stopped him

Don't ...touch her

I could see jimins eyes becoming almost emotionless as he warned his dad not to touch me it definitely wasn't the Jimin I've been around for the last couple of weeks

His dad pushed him away while ignoring what Jimin said and starting to walk over towards me again
He took out another knife while yelling at me


i tried to move away but he was too close for me to try to escape now
I closed my eyes as I couldn't do anything else right now


I shout my eyes open when I heard a loud bump and yelling and screaming and what I saw made my eyes widen again as I've never seen him like this ever

Jimin was pushing his dad up against the wall while holding the 2 knives is his hand
He looked serious and didn't look scared anymore going against his dad

His dad suddenly began to laugh at Jimin

Look who's acting tough now ..

Jimin didn't say anything back at him instead he just pressed more against his dad

I'm gonna fucking kill your both now

I said don't touch her..!

As Jimin screamed one last time at his dad he took one of the knives and stabbed his dads hand against the wall so it will get stuck against the wall

I could hear his dad yelled out of pain but controlled it quickly as he wouldn't let Jimin see him getting weak by getting his hand stabbed

You gonna regret this Jimin..

No,.. no I won't

And with that he took the other knife left and stabbed the other hand with the knife against the wall so it would get stuck too leaving his dad looking like Jesus stitched on the cross

After he stabbed his dad he took my hand in his and ran out of the room so we could escape before the rest of the group would come to free his dad

Mishi we need to find your father now ...

Hey sorry for the long wait I've have not been feeling well these last couple of weeks since I got sick with a sore throat and is coughing constantly so I did not feel well enough to write for almost a month again I'm sorry I will try my best to update more often since there isn't so many chapters left of the story

But I do hope you enjoyed the chapter and didn't think it was totally shit thank you as always for reading ❤️

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