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"Ini, it's time for night prep".

I looked at the clock which hung on my room wall. It was seven pm. I really saw no reason in going for night prep on the first day of school when all you would actually do was gist and chat with friends. I looked up to see who had spoken, it was Chidinma. We had been friends since the very first day of school. She was light skinned with a well proportioned body and a very beautiful face. Her smile was enough to keep you happy and cheerful. I smiled at her and stood up from my bed. We walked hand in hand into our new classroom...SS2!

My mates were laughing, chatting, and cracking some jokes. Everyone seemed to be in a cheerful mood. I spotted Kevin talking animatedly to two of our other classmates and called out to him. As soon as he saw me, a huge grin spread on his lips. He pulled me into a long but friendly hug.

"Seems like someone really missed me". I taunted.

"You have no idea".

We walked to the farthest end of the class and sat on two empty seats. Kevin waited for me to sit first before sitting himself. He had short dark hair and hazel brown eyes. He was quite muscular and extremely handsome. He stood tall at 6'0 with large biceps. He was popularly referred to as Handsome Kev. "How was the break?" I asked, trying to make small talk.

He smirked at me. "Oh believe me when I say it was superb".

"Really? Mine was boring".

"Even with Jadesola around?" He sneered.

Kevin and Jadesola had never gotten along since day one and I had no idea why.

"Why do you detest her so much?" I asked, hoping he would give me a sincere answer and not beat around the bush like he usually did.

His eyes met mine and he frowned. "Because she's using you".

I was confused. I'm sure my face told him that because he continued. "Ini, can't you see?" I was pissed to say the least. I understood that they didn't like each other but to accuse her of using me was really low. I stood up to leave but he pulled me down.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. Ini, you're my friend and I can't lie to you." I was still angry but I managed to control my fury and asked as politely as I could. "How is she using me?"

Before he could say anything, Jadesola walked into the class with someone I wished never to see again. Annabelle. I felt sick to my stomach. Annabelle! Christ. I thought she had switched schools. She had promised that she would. But looking at her face I realized she never had the intention of leaving not when ruining my life was still an option for her. Her eyes locked with mine. And I saw it.....all the hatred she had for me came alive. I quickly tore my gaze away from her and focused on Kevin who had been trying to get my attention for the last two minutes.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded. But I was far from being alright, not when I had just seen Jezebel herself. Why on earth would Jadesola still be friends with her after all that happened?

Kevin read my mind. "I told you Ini, she's using you. And don't worry about Annabelle, she won't hurt you. I won't let her".

I believed him but I knew there was only so much he could do. My mood had been ruined. I looked at him with a sour smile etched at the corners of my mouth.

"I think I'll head back to the hostel now". I didn't wait for his response, I just stood up and left the class.

I couldn't bear the thought of being in the same room with Annabelle. I walked down the long corridor which led to a small, beautiful lawn and just sat there. I tried not to think of the fact that Jadesola was moving with the enemy or the fact that the enemy hadn't kept to her word.

I heard the crumpling of dry leaves and silent footsteps, I looked back and saw Jimmy. He was dressed in his compound wear which looked as good on him as any other thing he wore. "Hey". He said, taking a seat on a stone beside me.

"Hi". I replied rather coldly. He wasn't dissuaded, he gave me a smile and cleared his throat before saying, "I saw her too".

My eyes widened as I took in his words. I felt sorry for him. Sorry because he had to see her again. I knew he was hurting so I placed an arm around his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He turned to stare at me. "She promised to leave but why didn't she?".

I knew the answer to that sadly. She wanted her revenge on me and I knew she was going to get it. She always got what she wanted, even at the expense of of people's happiness. "I don't know ". I replied sullenly. I didn't like lying to him but right now I had no choice. I didn't want him to be worried about me. But knowing Jimmy, he caught on to my lie very quickly. He gripped the arm that was on his shoulder and forced me to look directly into his eyes.

"I'm not going to let her hurt you. Not the way she........". He didn't complete the sentence. He averted his eyes from mine and withdrew his hand. He picked a few pebbles and threw them at differential sides of the lawn.

"Jimmy I'm sorry". I mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper. But I knew he heard me.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about. It wasn't your fault."

It was. But I knew better than to disagree with him. We sat there in companionable silence till the bell rung, signaling the end of night prep.

* * * * * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * *
As soon as I got to my room, I collapsed tiredly on my bed. My bunk mate; Stella, a JSS2 student, joined me on my bed. She smiled at me and addressed me properly.

"Senior Ini". I opened my eyes and stared at the dark skinned girl with the most beautifully arranged set of white teeth I had ever seen.


"Senior Annabelle said I should give you this".

At the mention of the name, I gasped in shock and realized my hands were shaking. Stella retrieved a brown envelope from her pocket and handed it over to me. I collected the parcel and tried to even my breathing as I ripped it open. It held a small piece of paper. With shaky hands I unfolded the paper slowly and read it's contents.

"Twinkle twinkle little star
"How I wonder what May 23rd is all about".

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