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Inioluwa's POV

I hurt Jimmy and I knew it. My legs dragged me lazily into my classroom. As usual since there was no teacher in the class, it was rowdy. Halimat and Kevin were smiling at each other like some love struck teenagers, Dara was standing....wait, what! Halimat and Kevin! I always figured he liked Dara and not Halimat. Dara and Amaka were laughing and Chidinma happened to suddenly be right in front of me.

I didn't give her a chance to speak. I beat her to it. "Yes?" My voice came out harsh and I loved it. She rolled her eyes at me, obviously unfazed by my response. She just stood there glaring daggers at me. I eyed her suspiciously and decided that I had better things to do than watch her glare at me all day.

I gave her shoulder a slight push as I walked past her. I heard her mutter something under her breath but I didn't care. I kept picturing the look on Jimmy's face after I removed my hand from his clasp. I didn't even know when I did it. It had almost been reflex. I felt like a bitch. I walked slowly to my seat, opened my locker, and buried my face inside it.

"Ini, what's wrong?".

It was Dare. I didn't want to talk to him. So I ignored him and closed my eyes, the weight of the top of my locker giving my head an ache. He was not dissuaded however. He lifted the top of my locker with his left hand and held my wrist with his right. I was forced to look into his beautiful eyes that always held me captive. I don't know how long we stood there staring at each other with....nothing to say? Not long after that, Our literature teacher; Mr Colins entered the class holding a novel. The science students quickly stood up and headed out of the class. Dare released the grip he had on my wrist and went to his seat which was now behind mine, thanks to Amaka.

Kevin sat down on his seat and poked me with a pen just as Mr Colins wrote today's date on the white board. I arched a brow and cast him a side glance, "Yes?". He shifted his seat and scooted closer to me. "What's up with you and Dare?".

I gave him a wry smile and focused on the board. "Nothing".

Kevin chuckled. "Then why has he been glaring at you?" I didn't need to turn back to know what he said was true. I could feel his intense gaze on me. I shrugged my shoulders and lowered my voice. "I don't know".

Thankfully, Kevin left me alone after that. I breathed a sigh of relief and tried to figure out my emotions. I liked Jimmy- a lot, even though I had just realized it a few days ago. But I liked Dare too. They were both devilishly handsome and extremely caring. Jimmy had always been there for me and in the short time I had come to know Dare, I realized I could count on him too.

"Miss Inioluwa".

I loved the way Jimmy stared at me like I was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"Miss Inioluwa".

I loved the way Dare made it obvious that he liked me and always complimented me even though the compliments made me shy. I loved the way......

"Miss Inioluwa!" I was forcefully jacked from my state of reverie by the thunderous voice of my teacher. I looked up sharply to find him directly in front of me. He looked angry and slightly amused? I was aware that the whole class was laughing. Crap!had he been calling my name for a long time?

As if reading my mind, he responded to the question. "Yes miss, I've been trying to get your attention for two minutes now". I gulped and lowered my gaze. "Care to share with the class your thoughts?"

I shook my head. "No sir".

"Boy trouble" Annabelle snickered, getting a few giggles from the girls. I sealed my lips and stared at my already clammy palms. Mr Colins looked at me one last time before clearing his throat and saying; "Meet me in the staff room after class".

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"Wait up!" I didn't listen. I kept walking till I reached the door, all the while trying to calm my racing heart. The gum I was chewing hastily did nothing to calm me. I stopped right in front of the door and took a deep breath. The door was staring at me. Its dark brownish color adding to my fear. I looked outside. Right on our corridor, Halimat and Kevin were holding hands and laughing excitedly.

Dare popped up beside me, his cologne invading my senses. I had to take a step back to process my thoughts. I didn't want to talk to him but yay, here he was standing beside me. I turned around but he grabbed my wrist.

"Ini, what's going on?" He was angry now. "You've been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?" I tried not to look at his handsome face as he spoke, fearing that doing that might weaken my resolve. His hand was still holding mine.

I thought back to a time when nobody cared what I did. When it was just Jadesola, Jimmy, and I. Oh and my loyal friends; Chidinma and Kevin. Ever since Jadesola.....left, nothing had remained the same. First I was scorned and harassed very often by Annabelle with my friends backing me up, then Chidinma changed sides and joined her, and now, I'm torn between two guys. Dare and Jimmy.

A month ago I would have said this was totally impossible. All of it. Dare liking me and kissing me, and me discovering I had feelings for Jimmy. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

Dara. I had forgotten about Dara. I felt guilty instantly. She had been a bit distant lately and I hadn't asked her about it yet. When I'm in the room, it's either she's sleeping or ignoring me. I need to talk to her....


Crap. I forgot I was still standing with Dare. I closed my eyes and tried not to allow his hand on my wrist affect me. When I opened my eyes, he was still staring at me. I shook my head. "You did nothing wrong".

He chuckled angrily. "Okay, so what's up with the attitude?"

He wasn't going to let this go, and I needed to see Mr Colins in staff room 2. I gave a sudden smile that had him furrowing his brows. "Dare, I promise we'll talk later".
He nodded and released my arm. I quickly took off in the direction of the staff room, fearing that I was already late.

I stood in front of the door and cleaned my clammy palms on my already ruffled skirt. Without knocking, I opened the door and gasped immediately at what I saw.

Dara sitting on Mr Colins laps. Kissing him. His shirt unbuttoned. Her skirt pulled up. His hands on her thighs.

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