Chapter 3: Love Exists in Hell Alone- Class Trial- Part 1 (Malachi)

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Standing... Standing...
Spinning... Spinning...
Two new portraits with X's over them...
Bloody... Bloody X's...
Kisho... Eri...
Standing... Spinning...
Spinning... Standing...

"The class trial will now start!" Monokuma yelled. "Now then, lets begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. During the class trial, you will present your arguements for who the killer is, and vote for "whodunnit." If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will recieve punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will earn the right to leave the city!"

"Let's begin this pointless trial already then." Cassius said.

"No trial is pointless." Atsuki said. "We must determine every possible outcome to find the answer."

"Atsuki is right." Ren said. "So let's start with how Eri was killed."

"Eri was killed with a single stab wound to the back, right?" Amaya asked.

"Yeah. She was killed with a simple knife from the weapon room." Ren answered.

"Was there a struggle in the room?" Spencer asked.

"No, there wasn't." Cassius said. "It's obvious there wasn't. There was no signs of a struggle in the room, and the room was clean apart from their bed."

"S-So Eri was just a-attacked while she was sleeping... A-And she didn't have a chance to resist?" Masa asked.

"I never said it happened while she was asleep." Cassius said, and sighed.

"You mean you're saying that she woke up and the killer striked her then?" Atsuki asked.

"Exactly." Cassius scoffed.

"But we would have seen blood on the ground, right?" Emma asked. "But there wasn't any."

"And there would have been blood ontop of the sheets, if someone placed her back in the bed!" Zoey said.

"There's still one possibility, you know." Cassius said. "You should have seen the rag on the ground in that room, right?"

"The rag... And I found a empty bottle of a sleeping drug in the weapon room too... Do you suggest the killer snuck up on her and used the sleeping drug in the rag to make her go unconscious?" Ren asked.

Cassius nodded. "Yes. It was painfully easy to tell that." He sighed. "Now, are we done determining how she died. She woke up, was put unconscious, and was put back in her bed, then stabbed. So let's vote already!"

"Vote for who? We never determined-" Atsuki started.

"Are you fucking serious?" Cassius scoffed, glaring at Atsuki. "It's still fucking Malachi! You saw the door, it was locked, and there is no way it could have been locked from the outside!"

"I-If that's true, then how do you explain the knife we found in the weapon room?" Amaya said. "It was bloody, so it was obviously-"

"Ren probably fucked with the crime scene again! You know how he has each trial so far." Cassius scoffed at them again.

"Then what about Malachi's hands? They didn't have any blood on them. And the sink and shower weren't used. He would have gotten blood on them if he stabbed Eri!" Zoey said.

"He could have easily wiped his hands somewhere else you never checked." Cassius sighed. "Why are you idiots defending Malachi anyway? He's obviously guilty."

"No!" Amaya yelled. "Malachi's not guilty, I know Malachi would never murder someone!"

"How can you be so sure?" Cassius asked. "Because he avenged your dumb girlfriend?"
He scoffed.

Amaya's eyes widened, and then glared at Cassius. "What the fuck did you just say...?" Amaya spun her guitar around her and caught it, then strung it hard. "Nobody, fucking nobody, will talk shit about Yudai like that!" I saw her start to cry. "She's already fucking dead, you don't need to attack her like this!"

"And so what if I fucking do? You're the one pushing this fucking pointless trial anyway!" Cassius yelled back.

"P-Please stop!" Masa yelled out. "W-We shouldn't b-be fighting l-like-"

"You shut the fuck up too!" Cassius yelled.

"Hey!" Emma yelled. "Don't treat Masa like that!" She glared at Cassius now, too.

"Masa is right though, we really shouldn't be fighting." Atsuki stated.

"If we shouldn't be fighting, then why are we fighting for a fucking pointless trial?" Cassius asked.

"Enough!" Spencer suddenly yelled. "We should all shut the fuck up and just continue on with covering every base, because there are still possibilities!"

"What other possibilites are there?!" Cassius yelled.

"Wh-What about Nao...?" Masa said. "W-We just saw him suddenly at the crime scene... What if he got in and hid there?"

"It probably wasn't him." Ren said. "Actually, I think Spencer's account is his alibi. Because Spencer was out in the main room all day, he would have seen people leave their rooms. And he never saw anyone leave their rooms after they went in."

"This is true for both days." Spencer said, and started knitting.

"Then how do you explain how the killer got to Eri, if it wasn't Malachi?" Cassius asked.

"Well, there was another route that could have been used. The air vents." Ren said, "The covers were bloody as if it the one in the bedroom was put on from the inside, and as if the one in the weapons room was put on from the outside. And speaking of the air vents, Malachi, Zoey, Amaya, Spencer and I all could not fit in."

"If that's true, Nao could still do it, right?" Emma asked. "Maybe he can fit through."

Nao was just standing quietly at his podium.

"...Hmm... Alright." Cassius said. "Then I just change my theory."

"What do you mean?" Atsuki asked.

"Eri wasn't drugged into unconsciousness." Cassius said, smirking. "Rather, Malachi got out of his room, snuck up on Spencer, and used it on him so he could get to the weapons room! The bloody air vent covers were just to mislead us into thinking there was an escape. So there it is! The killer is still fucking Malachi!"

"No, that's-" Ren started.

I interrupted him.

I kicked my podium and grabbed my head.

And screamed.


"Malachi?!" Amay yelled out.

And then...

I slammed my head down onto my podium.

And again.

And again.

And again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and againandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainand

"Malachi!" Ren yelled.

I looked up at everyone.

And I couldn't help but laugh anymore.

Haha... Hahaha...


I could feel the tears run down my cheeks.

Spinning... Spinning...



End it.

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