Chapter 5: My Final Attempt to End it All- Class Trial- Part 1 (Atsuki)

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We all walked into the trial room and got to their spots. There were now three more portraits with bloody X's over them. Masa, Cassius and Spencer.

"The class trial will now start!" Monokuma yelled. "Now then, let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. During the class trial, you will present your arguements for who the killer is, and vote for "whodunnit." If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will recieve punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will earn the right to leave the city!"

"Let's begin the trial then." Malachi said.

"Hold on..." Nao said. "We don't need to have the trial, the killer can just confess here-"

"The killer won't just confess out of nowhere. No killer would ever have a reason to do that." Ren said.

"But I-" Nao started.

Ren cut him off again. "Anyways, let's go ahead and start by determining how Spencer was killed."

"Well, the Monokuma File said the cause of death was unknown, right?" Zoey said.

"That's right. So we just have to figure out ourselves how Spencer died." I said.

"So how did Spencer die?" Zoey asked.

"It seems like he may have been strangled to death. His hands were up to his neck, after all." Ren said.

"No, I don't think that's right, Ren." I said. "It's true Spencer held his hands up to his scarf, and his the ends of his scarf were behind him, which may suggest that someone strangled him with his own scarf. However, there was blood on Spencer's hand, and it also came off on his scarf where his hand was. A strangulation wouldn't have made him bleed."

"Then how would he have died, Atsuki?" Zoey asked.

"I think Spencer died from poison. You see, there was poison spilled in the chemistry lab, implying someone had been there. I believe that someone had put poison in a can of lemonade that was on the table in front of him. It was half empty, so perhaps he drank it." I said. "There was also an empty bottle of lethal poison in the restauarnt, where I assume the killer got the lemonade. They must have put the poison in there when they got the lemonade." I explained to them.

"Ah, I see... But what about his hands? Why would he put his hands to his scarf if not to try and pull it away while being strangled?" Ren asked.

"Well... I found a file on Spencer in the police department. It said that his mother died and was crementated, and he refused to leave her ashes... He also treasured a scarf she made him. In his room, I found he had a jar labeled Mother... that I assume were her ashes. Inside the jar I also found a white piece of fabric... Which I assume is from his white scarf... So that scarf must have been the one his mother gave him. My theory is that he touched it in his last moments, wanting to feel it one final time... Or something along those lines." I said.

"But couldn't Spencer still have been strangled?" Zoey asked.

"No... You see, Spencer experienced no external wounds at all... If he was strangled, he would have a mark around his neck. However, he had blood on his hand, and the only way he could have bled with no external injuries would be if he coughed up blood from ingesting the poison." I explained.

"Ohh... That makes sense!" Zoey said, and smiled.

"Okay, so now can-" Nao started.

"Let's determine the killer then." Ren said.

"Well... It seems apparent to me that there has been a traitor involved lately." Malachi said. "You know, as Monokuma told us that the traitor broke him."

"It's true, I swear!" Monokuma yelled out.

"Anyways... I believe that the so called traitor is behind this murder." Malachi said. "Perhaps they killed Spencer because he knew... Or maybe simply just to kill the rest of us in the trial. I'm not exactly sure why, but the traitor seems like the most likely suspect."

"What?" Nao asked.

"Well how are we supposed to find out who the traitor is? Do we have any sort of clue?" Zoey asked.

"Actually... There was something that just told me who the traitor is. I got it from the Future Foundation building. You remember how Monokuma told us the traitor was a member of Future Foundation, right?" Malachi said.

"Hold on," Nao started.

"Well, the doors to the Future Foundation were conveniently... Open, and I stepped inside and found a file of people who happen to be part of Future Foundation." Malachi said.

"Oh, so did you find the traitor from that?" Zoey asked.

"Well, honestly... I found out more." Malachi said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well... There's actually two traitors here." Malachi said. "Two members of Future Foundation are hidden in us five remaining... Future Foundation, the group that stuck us all in this city. Isn't that right?"

"That's right, Malachi! Future Foundation are the bad guys in this game!" Monokuma said, and laughed.

"What...?" Zoey asked "So who?"

"Hey, hold on a second!" Nao said.

"The traitors, the members of Future Foundation, the ones who pretended to be our friends... Are you two!" Malachi said, and pointed out his finger. "Ren Fuijiwara and Atsuki Kinboshi!"

"What? Renny is..." Zoey started.

"Hold on, now! Future Foundation didn't actually set up the killing game here!" I yelled out.

"So you're just admitting it?" Malachi asked.

"I mean, the secret is out already." Ren said. "Yeah, I'm part of Future Foundation, and so is Atsuki. But she's right that we didn't set up the killing game."

"So... You're not bad?" Zoey asked.

"No, I promise we aren't the bad guys like Monokuma said." Ren said.

"It doesn't matter if you are or not... All that matters is that you two are the traitors, which was what Monokuma wanted us to know, as a motive. Spencer died because of this traitor motive!" Malachi said.

"Malachi, please, just stop-" Nao started.

"Atsuki or Ren... One of you must of killed Spencer. That is my conclusion." Malachi said.

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