Chapter 1

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Hello my loves! This is my first book on Wattpad EVER! So, if you are reading this, thank you so much! This is your good old " girl on the island fic" filled with romance, angst, and drama! I really hope you like it!
Clare had all of the attention on the airplane and it did not suit her.
The only other passengers  jet were boys of various ages, coming from one private school or another. And it wasn't lost on these boys, most of whom barely get to see a female during the school year, that a very beautiful girl had just stepped on their plane.
Clare clutched her handbag close to her, wishing with all her might that she was on another flight.
"There's a seat here miss" said a boy in front of her. She winced. She had seen that seat and had hoped for a deserted one, rather than being seated between two strangers. She sighed, and slid awkwardly into the seat between the boys, and gave the boy who informed her a small smile. He returned it and her breath caught in her chest, he was gorgeous.
"What's your name, beautiful?" He said, his British accent smooth and rich. He leaned forward slightly, and Clare could smell his minty breath.
"It's Clare" she said blushing furiously and averted her green eyes from his
brilliant blue ones.
"Clare" he said leaning back as if the mere sound of her name put him in a daze.
"What's yours?" She asked curious to know more about this beautiful boy.
He smiled, revealing a row of pearly white teeth.
"Jack, Jack Merridew" he said sticking out his hand. Clare put her hand in his, and he swiftly brought it to his lips. She blushed even more, and her hand tingled where his lips touched her skin.
"So, Clare, why are you on this plane, shouldn't you be with the girls?" He asked running a hand through his auburn hair. She fiddled with her fingers and looked Jack in the eyes.
" I have been asking myself the same question actually" she laughed.
"Maybe it's a mixup?" Jack suggested and tugged at a lock of hair. The way his rusty-red hair stuck up at the end and how his blue eyes gleamed made him seem sort of puckish, but she had to admit it was a very attractive sort of puckish.
Underneath them, the plane started to roll forward, and Clare gripped her armrest very tight, her knuckles turning white from pressure.
"Scared of the air, eh?" Jack asked and she nodded.
"This is actually my first time flying" she said and squeaked when the plane started moving faster.
"It's not so bad after a while", he said " plus you never forget your first time"
She peeked open an ocean colored eye at him, smirking along with his devilish joke.
"You're a horrid boy!" She said and smacked him lightly on the arm. He laughed and she almost forgave him for sounding so pleasant.
The plane jolted downward and she tilted her head back and groaned. She hoped she would get of this plane soon.

She must have fallen asleep because she opened her eyes to find herself leaning up against Jack.
"Comfy?" He asked playfully and she shot up very quickly,
"I'm so sorry" she exclaimed and prayed she didn't offend him too much.
"Nah, I enjoyed it" he said with a glint in his eye. She blushed and continued fiddling with her fingers. The other boy on her right, who had been asleep for most of the flight, now stirred and sat up slowly. He looked over at Clare and cleaned his glasses, obviously excited he was sitting next to a very pretty girl. He was round, and had light blond hair on his head. To go along with his bookworm appearance, he had thick black spectacles that sat delicately on the bridge of his nose.
"H-hullo" he said, stammering. He reached in his pocket for a handkerchief and wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead.
"Hi" Clare said and waved slightly at him.
"Wots your name?" He asked and leaned a bit closer to the girl.
"Clare, and you?" She asked.
He looked around nervously.
"M-my names-"
"Piggy his name his Piggy!" Shouted a boy from the seat behind us.
"No, my n-name's-"
"OINK!" Said the boy which evoked laughs from a few other boys. Piggy hung his head in defeat and started to read his book. Jack had started to talk to his friend across the aisle. ' great he has lost interest in me already' she thought and huffed. She felt a light tap on her leg and looked to face a boy peering over the seat in front of her. He had blond hair and jewel green eyes. My they were so many attractive boys on this flight.
"I'm Ralph" he said smiling at her. She returned the smile. He looked about her age, seventeen, and had tan skin.
"Clare" she said and chewed on her lip.
All of a sudden, the plane jolted violently and Ralph immediately sat down. Was that supposed to happen? Her fear was most likely evident on her face because Piggy patted her on the arm.
"Turbulence is common on all flights, actually it depends on the weather, you see the more rain, the more pressure applied to the plane, but it is sunny so it is weird that there would be turbulence......" Piggy's voice droned on and on for nearly five minutes and she couldn't take it any more.
"Hey Piggy, can I ask you something?" She said in her sweetest voice.  " Shut up!" And piggy stopped talking and looked at her with wide eyes.
"Bloody Hell, that girl's got a mouth!" Jack exclaimed to his friend. She turned to hit him but saw no harm in his eyes. She looked around the plane once more and as always all eyes were on her. Dressed in her best dress, that had a hem that was a little to high and a neckline a bit too short, why wouldn't that stare. Clare self consciously pulled down her hem and fiddled with her long brown hair. To distract herself from the wandering eyes, she started to study Ralph. His eyes were like jewels and his tone was sweet. God, since when did she get excited over boys? However, all of her troubles were forgotten when the plane gave another terrible jolt, Clare screamed and tilted her head back against her seat.
"What the hell?" She said as the plane gave jolt after jolt.
"It is unusual for a lady to have such a mouth as yours" Jack said and nudged her playfully in the side. She gripped her armrest hard and turned to give the cocky handsome boy a piece of her mind.
That insult had never got the chance to leave her lips because a horrible bang echoed throughout the cabin. She looked out the window to see the whole wing of the plane had gone up in flames! They were slowly falling, the engine was sputtering and children were wailing.
"Unbuckle your belt!" Jack shouted at her, but she was to frightened to move. She didn't even notice Jack's hands way too deep in her lap, unbuckling her belt. "Clare, come on!" Jack shouted and the sound of her name snapped her out of her daze. Jack pushed the door to plane, his blazer flapping in the wind. Children lined up at the door, and Ralph was helping most of them out of their seats.
Clare's heart hammered in her chest. Her world was in slow motion, the plane falling, children crying. It all slowed down to a terrifying pace.
On one side, Ralph and Jack were helping kids out of their seats, and on the other, gray clouds whizzed about as the plane went down.
"We need to jump!", said the blond boy " otherwise the plane will go down with us in it!" He yelled and her breathing got faster.
"You can't expect them to all survive a fall like that! They'll drown!" Clare said, gritting her white teeth as the plane gave another violent shake.
"I just threw a blow up raft down their, and if they go now they will be able to swim to it, all academy boys know how to swim!" Jack said placing his hand on her shoulder as a sign of reassurance.
She was about to protest but Ralph interrupted her.
"This is their best chance! God Clare! No one is coming to save us!" The blonde said and told her to grab a boy. She picked up the smallest boy, he had black hair and blue eyes. He wrapped his tiny hands around her neck and cried.
"So we just" she gulped and exhaled as the said the last part. "Throw them out?" Jack nodded solemnly and carefully dropped the child in his arms out the window. She looked away each time a child left one of the boys arms and squeezed her eyes tight when she heard them scream. As her turn came the little boy in her arms cried in the crook of her neck and she kissed him lightly on the head. She closed her eyes and dropped the child out the door. Now it was just her, Ralph, and Jack.
"Is that all the kids?" Ralph asked looking around for any stragglers. Clare nodded.
"I guess I'll see ya down there then" he said giving her a sneaky wink and he dropped down.
"That bastard" Jack cursed and ran a hand through his dark red hair. He turned to Clare. She was hyperventilating, she couldn't die, not now! Jack saw her fear and cupped her face in his hands.
"Hey, Clare, Beautiful, please it will be alright" Jack said and rubbed his thumb across her cheek. In any other circumstance she would have smacked his hand away, but right now she kept her eyes on his freckled face. " I need you to calm down for me okay?" He said. It was almost impossible for her to calm down when Jack was practically caressing her face. He leaned closer to her and Clare's heart beat rapidly. She could feel his hot breath against her face when he spoke.
"Can you swim?" She nodded and said, " yes I can swim, but I can't do this!" She said and looked nervously at the open door in front of them. He linked his arm around gently around her waist.
"I got you, you'll be just fine I promise" he said and she truly believed him. They shuffled closer to the edge of the emergency exit. Clare watched as Jack closed his enchanting, blue eyes and

They jumped

I hope you liked the first chapter of Lady of the Flies!! Comment Comment Comment!! I will promise to update soon!!
- NeverlandsDreamer13

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