Chapter 3

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After an hour of dropping things, laughs, keeping Harry and Louis out of my stuff, and whining from Niall about being hungry, we got my stuff into my house. Yay now I don't have to sleep on the floor tonight. I smiled to myself and sat on my couch next to Niall.

"Thanks guys." I bit my lip. They all sat around the living room.

"It's totally okay. That was fun." I smiled, thanks to Liam, I don't feel as bad about asking them.  

"So maybe I can order some food to pay you guys back for helping me out?" Niall cheered and I laughed. We ordered some pizza and I gave the guy my adress. I walked into the living room where Louis and Zayn were going through one of my boxes and gasping. Uh.. what have they found?

"Megan.. you have explaining to do.." Shit.. They stood up and they had.. my xbox.. damn it..

"Uh... yeah let's not touch that.." I tried to take it from them but they kept moving. God damn it you stubborn children just give me my baby.. Yes.. I'm a bit of a girl gamer. I wouldn't say I'm a pro but i most definetly do not suck. "

Please give me that.." I bit my lip.

"You play?" Zayn asked. I blushed and nodded. "

That's hot.." I laughed and looked over at Harry. Did he really just say that? Jeezus children..  

They finally gave it up but begged to play it..

"Guys I don't have anything set up. Sorry.." They got all sad. Sorry dudes but this ain't happening..

"We can go to my house?"

"YEAH LEGGO!!" Louis ran out the door. I started laughing. It's just a video game boy. I watched Zayn and Liam follow him out after they said their goodbye's to me. I smiled.

"Megan you coming?" I looked over and Harry was watching me. I didn't realize I was invited.. I shrugged.

"I think I'll just stay here... I'm kinda tired." He nodded.

"See ya around." I smiled and waved. Ha just Niall again. He's such a cutie. I smiled at him.

"You gunna go play video games?" He shrugged.

"I can stay with you if ya'd like." I blushed.

"That's okay you can go have fun, besides you hardly know me.." I said that last part under my breathe and I don't think he heard it. Thankfully.

"Okay... I'll see you later love." He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I'm sure I'm bright red right now. I closed the door behind him as he left and sank to the floor pulling my knees to my chest. I just hung out with my idols.. That doesn't happen to many people, so why me? I leaned my head on my knees. Ugh. I'm tired.. I got up and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I looked at my matress. Urgh I need to set the bed post up tomorrow.. For now I grabbed out my white comforter that had black birds flying across it. I smiled and grabbed the matching pillows, putting them on my bed. I want a shower.. I walked over to my suitcase that had clothes in it and pulled out some spanks and a t-shirt then grabbed my toiletries, walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

I took a nice long. warm shower then put my pajamas on and quickly towel dried my hair. At least it's not dripping wet now.. I smiled and put the towel up on the rack and looked at myself in the mirror. This is fantastic.. I sighed and walked into my bedroom grabing my small bag out of my suitcase then my waterbottle and walked back to the bathroom. I quickly took all the medication I needed, since I forgot to this morning and just left those things on the counter. I turned the lights off and climbed into my bed snuggling up in the blankets. Well that was such an exciting day. I'm ready for sleep, and sleep I did..

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