Chapter 4

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We went and sat on the couch in my living room and talked. I told her everything from my plane trip, to meeting the guys, to falling asleep on Niall's shoulder, to tripping and falling on my face, and moving in next to them, and when they came over and helped me move, and how Harry took me to breakfast. She sat there quietly listening to me and making weird happy faces throughout my story. When I finished she squealed. "Omg you lucky child!! You know how many people would kill to have gone through what you have?!? I mean minus the falling on your face part but still. You live next to Harry fucking Styles! Omg." I laughed. She is so dramatic. I mean yeah so many people would kill to be in my place. It's One Direction but geesh, she makes it sound as if i'm married to one of them or something.

I smiled. "Yeah i'm pretty lucky." She laughed at me and I leaned back against the couch.

"When are you hanging out with them again?" I looked over at her.

"I dont know.." Would I actually hang out with them again? They're so famous.. I don't think they would ever have time and I mean.. They don't exactly know me so why would they? "It doesn't matter though, I mean I don't expect them to." She looked at me weird. "What?" She hit my arm. "Ow. What was that for?"

"Well from what you told me, it sounds like they like you. At least Harry and Niall do." Now it was my turn to look at her weird. I don't really think Niall likes me.. Maybe Harry.. but why would Niall like me? I haven't really talked to him much.. except when he stayed behind when they all came to my house.. I blushed.

"I guess.." She smiled at me.

"On a different note.. You still have a lot to do here with this house." I nodded. I definetly do. I still need to unpack the bathroom stuff, my bedroom items, I gotta put my clothes in the closet... SO MUCH STUFF.

"Damn right I do.." She laughed.

"Well let's get started." I smiled. We got up and walked over to the kitchen.

"What still needs to be done in here?" I looked at some boxes.

"I'm pretty sure I already finished up in here." I walked over to the boxes.

"Yeah these are all empty." She nodded and we went back to the living room.

"Okay nothing has been unpacked in here." She nods and we get to work. She started with my video game box, putting the console in the shelf thing then lining the video games in the shelves under it. I went to the box that held some pictures and stuff and started putting those up around the room. She soon finished putting my video games away.

"Are you having someone come and set up your tv and cable?" I nodded.

"Yeah they are coming tomorrow." She nodded and went over to a bigger box, taking the pillows out of it and setting them on the couch.

"I love your design girl." I smiled.

I had a black fuzzy couch, with purple fuzzy pillows, against the wall, with the fireplace to the right of it. In front of my couch, is a glass coffee table, and in front of that is a big black bookshlef type thing that lays on its side and has a bunch of cubies in it, which is where the game system, and video games are, and soon my movies. Above that is my tv, which is mounted onto the wall. I love it because it's so big.  Have a smaller black couch to the left of the bigger couch that has 1 purple pillow on it. Overall it's a nice living room. She sat down on the smaller couch. 

"Can you take the movie box and put them in the shelf next to the video games please and then the cd player thing can go next to the system." She nodded and got up, grabbing the other box and walking over to the shelf. I smiled and finished up with the pictures.  I sat next to Julia and looked through my movies as I helped her put them on the shelves.

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