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"shut up jaeden, i'm straight." wyatt lied.

"yeah right, and i'm not in love with you." the other boy rolled his eyes and then slapped a hand over his mouth as he realized what he said.

"you're in love with me?" the curly haired boy asked, his facial expression softening.

"w-would you believe me if i said no?" jaeden sighed, turning redder every second.

"aw you love me! that's adorable." wyatt smiled, as he leaned in to kiss his 'friend', but of course a sad looking jack turned into a confused one as he walked in and widened his eyes.

"i'm not gonna ask." jack said.

"did you um apologize to finn yet?" jaeden asked as he cleared his throat, trying to avoid the fact that his best friend tried to kiss him.

"apologize?" jack almost laughed, "why the hell should i apologize? he's the one who-"

"did nothing wrong." wyatt finished for him, "you're forgetting that he loves you and constantly reminds you of it, but you haven't said it once. and for the record, he was drunk."

"have you been talking to him?" the smaller boy raised an eyebrow. he didn't want finn to be sad, but he couldn't control his sudden outburst. wyatt nodded at jack's question.

"he crashed here last night." jaeden added, "said he was too much of a wreck to go home."

"is he still here?" jack asked hopelessly.

"yeah but-" jaeden started, but before he could finish, jack was already out of the room. wyatt smiled at the chance and looked over at his best friend who looked back.

"where were we?" he teased as the blue eyed boy looked back at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"what do yo-" he started to ask, but was cut off by wyatt's lips on his and realized that response worked too.

meanwhile, jack raced to the guest room near the end of the hall and burst the door open, only to find finn still asleep.

"finn?" he tried speaking, but his small voice was drowned out by finn's loud snores. "finn!" he said a little louder. no use. jack sighed and grabbed a pillow right before smacking finn in the stomach, "GET UP YOU IDIOT."

"WHAT THE FUCK-" the taller boy sat up instantly and then lowered his voice as he saw who was standing in front of him, "jack?"

"i'm sorry okay? i wasn't thinking straight when i yelled at you, but i can't stay mad at you. it's too hard."


"i should've just forgiven you instead of making a whole scene about it, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean it at all."

"it's okay really-"

"and i feel really bad that you felt the need to actually leave when i said to. i wish you just fought back. you probably hate me just like everyone else now-"

"jack! it's okay. i forgive you." finn yawned as he stretched his arms out, "i made the mistake. not you."

"yeah..." jack looked down, too awkward to say anything else, "um, i'll go i guess."

"wait don't-" the taller boy said, jumping off the bed almost instantly and slowly walking over to his boyfriend. if that was even the proper thing to call him anymore.

"this is awkward." jack admitted, looking directly up at him. finn just sighed and threw his arms around the small boy because he missed that feeling, despite the fact it had only been a little while since he had last felt it. he missed jack's scent and how he would tense up when finn came closer. he missed that warm feeling he would get when he knew jack was his and only his.

jack hesitated before wrapping his arms around finn, hugging him back tightly. it made him feel loved and safe. nothing could ruin this moment. not even-

"WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME!" sophia walked through the door which none of the boys realized was open the whole time. they both jumped apart, leaving jack looking as red as a tomato.

finn smiled and took jack's hand gently as a reminder that he was loved. and jack smiled back, only to leave sophia dying from the amount of gay she saw.

"you guys are adorable. jyatt needs to step up their game."

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