CHAPTER 19 - Piece's Of Past.

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16th September, 2017.

Reported by 'uqbah bin 'Amir (R.A) I asked the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him, How can salvation be achieved?' He replied: "control your tongue. Keep your house and weep over your sins."

[At - Tirmidhi]


Piece's Of Past.

One year ago

Aasiya was on her bed, laying flat facing her back towards ceiling. Tears were died down, don't know for how long she was crying in her room.

She heard a knock on her bed room door, she turned her head to face the door. She kept glaring on the door, like her glare would burn or magically open the door.

The knocks were getting louder and impatient, she got up from the bed and wiped her already dried tears.

"Allah! Hold a second." Aasiya yelled and make her way to wash room. To wash her face, when her gaze fell on the mirror.

She cringed inwardly, at her state. Red nose, swollen and puffy eyes, messy hair. She quickly washed her face and splash some cold water on her eyes to suppress the burning sensation in her eyes, due to the all crying.

She wiped the water drops from her face with towel. After some time, she heard again a knock. She deposited the wet towel on the chair across her vanity and make her way towards the door.

"Coming, baba!" Aasiya opened the door to be greeted, with a huge bear hug.

She stumbled back wards, due to the sudden impact of the force.

"Oh! Siya. Am really excited." She heard the voice and recognised as its Hafsa, who was hugging the life out of her.

"H-aafsa, I -I c-can't breath." She breathed.

Hafsa released her grip on her, and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry!" She mumbled with a grin.

"You almost killed me, idiot!" Aasiya kept her hand on her chest and glared at her cousin.

"Anyways! Why did you take so long to open the door?" Hafsa enquired, suspiciously. Aasiya tried to think for an excuse, but she didn't get any.

"Ah! I - I was sleeping. So ___ it took me sometime to answer the door." Aasiya tried to reasoned out. Her heart was beating rapidly, due to the half lie. She just told to her cousin.

When she saw that, Hafsa looks convinced by her words. She instantly felt guilty.

"Anyways, what makes you so excited. Huh.?!" Aasiya asked in her cheerful tone, inter linking their arms. To over come the guilty feeling.

She dragged Hafsa to her bed, and made her sat beside her. But Hafsa instantly got up. Aasiya gave her a confused look.

"What happened?" She asked her, with a questioning gaze.

"ohh! I forgot. Why I came here, in the first place." Hafsa smacked her hand on her forehead.

"And what was that?" Aasiya queried her.

"We are going out for shopping!" Hafsa exclaimed with excitement. To that Aasiya just groaned.

"Not again!" Aasiya muttered with displeasure.

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