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Monday, the day that I have to wake up at 9 am, and made my way to the University. But here I am, still in my bed, sleeping.

Still half-dreaming, I got surprised as the alarm, the one that I just smacks 5 minutes ago, ranging again, making me glances in annoyance.

I took the alarm and took off the battery out from it. I sighs with my body sitting in a lazy position. I quickly stood and go straight to the bathroom. As usual, I pee first, and can't help it but sleep again in the toilet.

Just then in my half-sober vision, I can hear someone's entering my room. That must be dad, I thought.

But then it wasn't.

"Oh where is she?" A voice mutters.

I was curious about it so I decide to put back my underwear and went out to find out, still with my eyes half-closed, and a pyjamas top on.

Before I went out, I got surprised as I saw Jimin were in my room.

"OMO" He screams, his tiny hands covering his eyes. Wait, shouldn't that be me who screams?

I still mind-confused, and why is he doing here in my room? Is this still a dreams?

Just as I pinch myself, I can feel the urge coming rush upon. Shit, it wasn't a dream.

Remembering that he was now my brother and we live under the same rooftop.

And I forgot to wear my pants.

"Shitt!!" I hissed as I realized I was half-naked. Within a seconds I quickly grabs a towel, and covers it around my waist.

I took my alarm clock, and threw it on him. "GET OUT YOU PERVERT!!" I said hissing and cursing over him, and he went out panting.

Now that I'm all awake, I letted out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding. That guy was dangerous. There must be someone who probably did the voodo's ritual on me, because It's like sleeping in a bad dreams and can't woke up.

After done with my lipgloss and mascaras, I changed my outfit into a white casual t-shirt as a top, denim jeans, and my brownie boots.

I look again to the watch and sighs after.

I sit awhile on the bed, stressed out. It was now 11 pm, which means I was total late and which also means, I'm in trouble.

Today, the most important subject had a test and I can't stand with my self-integrity.

I went downstairs but in a weaky stunt. There's no point of it even if I had to rush to go to college, I'm already late anyway.

Just then I heard dad were calling out my name from the dining room and so I get there.

"Did Jimin wake you up?" Dad asks, while others were nowhere to be seen.

"Did you told him to wake me up?" I said grunching my brow.

"Did I? I don't remember. ." Dad said smiling over.

"Why would you do that, dad? That's not funny." I hissed, taking myself a sit.

"To make a great bond between a brother and a sis-"

"OH COME ON" I grump. Can't let dad finish the sentence, or it'll ruin my whole day.

"Okay, okay. ." Dad grins. Just then his eyes changes as the two non-familliar people were coming downstairs.

"How's the pancakes?" Ask Mrs. Park, her expression friendly and warm.

I didn't budge because my eyes glued on Jimin, staring at him with my deadly eyes.

"Yeah how's the pancakes, sister?" Jimin asks, he brought his face near to me and pinched my nose. And he was brave enough to do that infront the adults.


"Awww you two are so adorable." Mrs. Park added, meeting her eyes with dad. I was so done with this morning, so instead of doing something, I just, shut down.

"But she's more adorable. ." Jimin states, his hands gently shaking my hair.

That's it.

I stood up, just to ran away in this scary place from this scary person. I took my sling gucci bag, and went to the desk to grab my car key, but I see no keys.

"Where's my car key dad?" I said turning my head to dad.

"Probably lost, I don't know. Why don't you go with your brother?" Dad suggested. How clever dad, I knew you hide it somewhere.

"No thanks. I'll just take the taxi." I faked smiles, and made my way to the front door. Because I don't want to waste my time begging for my car when I know dad wouldn't give it back.

I'd rather walk than to go with that lil pervert.

"You'll go, like it or not." Dad demands. "...or say goodbye to your car."



"Pull over." I said, my hands crossed over my chest. I don't want to go with him, I can't.

"No." He laughs.

"Yah Park Jimin!"

"Dad's orders." He scoffs.

How hilarious. Dad's orders? HAHAHA seriously, I want to slap him.

I look to my watch which shows already 12 pm which means there's just wasting time to go to college today. I sighs, it has been a heavy morning I had, and a heavy life-reality.

I took my phone and look up to Hera's message. She said that I got -5 for the test. Great. Now I don't want to go to university anymore.

I sighs for the fifty times, and accidentally my eyes meet Jimin who is calmly driving.

In the mid of silence, I felt never been so nerveous when I sit beside him, and I don't know why.

Suddenly, he took a chance to speaks.

"It's strange, isn't it?" He said, eyes still focus on the road.

I look to him, raising a brow.

"We used to say goodnights each other before we sleeps." He said stating a sad smile.


"We used to send letters and chocolates although it's not valentines."


"We used to be the perfect couple. ."


"And we used to loved each other."

"Now we can't do that anymore."

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