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"Over here!" A voice shouts making me twisted my body which turns out to be Hera, calling me out behind.

I made my way to her and we decided to go to our favorite place, the university's cafe. Since that place was the relaxing place I've ever been on, and the foods are freakin' delicious.

"You got -5 lol." Hera says as she cross her legs.

"I know, you already told me before, duh." I rolled my eyes. As you can see, she really likes bothering me.

"I told you to activate your alarms. ." She mutters.

"I did! But. . I don't know, I just couldn't wake up. ." I said, my eyes looking down.

"If I were you, I would sleep tight and cozy all day all night and wake up feeling blessed and . ." She said, her face forming a smuggy smile. I cuts her for knowing the reason too early.

"Bitch I won't let you date him okay?" I said my face turns serious.

She widened her eyes, "Why? You liked him again?" She said which making me chocked on my drinks.

"EW NO not that pervert!" I shrugs in disgust.

"Then what is wrong with that?"

"He's a jerk, a playboy, a cheater, oh and the worst part is, he's a fuckboy." I said stomping my feets, and slaps the table.

"Or you mean, he's a gentle, handsome, cutie, oh and the famous guy in college?" She spat. I fake vomitting my face, there's none of the things she said, fits with Jimin.

And I got curious about the last part she said.

"Are you kidding me? Famous guy in college?" I scoffs in disbelief.

"You may look to your right." Hera suddenly said, her brows pointing at the edge of my right, making my head turns.

As I turned my head, there's Jimin with some guys walking on the hallway in the sight pretty far from my position.

I never been so shocked seeing that kind of moment. He went to this university too?! How is that and when is that happens?!

There are many, I mean lot of girls were bitting their nails as the three guys walks over them. I can't deny it but they look so. . . Fuckboys.

"Lee Hera you need to explain that!" I says in anger. I know there's none of things related about Jimin and her, but I just confused and I need an explanation because that guy keeps showing up in my life.

"Okay. Breath in. . Breath out. . " Hera suggested, she was mouthing the up and downcoming air. I stood for awhile and went out sit again.

Just then, in nowhere and out of the gravity or the atomic molecules of chemistry, my eyes and Jimin's eyes accidentally meet, making the momentum shifted.

I didn't breath for awhile. My mind now were stucks on what he said in the car this noon, which maybe will never dissapears in my long-term memory.

"Hello? Earth to Minseo?"

I swipes my thoughts as Hera's hands were shaking over my vision. I quickly look away, but when I look back again, he's already gone.

"That bastard." I mutters under my breath.

"What?" Hera says in confusion.

"Just. . You can't like him or love him or adore him or whatever. Just, don't." I warned. I don't want my friend to get hurt just like me in the old times.

"Let's just talk about you then. How's your Romeo?" She adds. I took a sip from my cup, and put it back on the table, sighing.

"When did I have a Romeo?" I grins. "I'm like Elsa, I'm a queen, I'm independent. I don't need no boyfriend, I can live without no man in my life, because I'm indep-"

"Oh cut that shit." Hera said stopping me as she brought me a fullspoon of the cakes onto my mouth. "You just need a brother, that's all." She added.

Okay that's it.

I quickly pulls her hair, making her glances and screams. "Awww" she whines.

"Stop talking about him okay?" I shrugs.

"No I don't." She denied, laughing.

"It's just. .it's been a great life just me and dad. And now. . Things changes. I don't even know dad were dating someone behind my back. He never mention anything about it, until the day he propose Jimin's mom." I sighs. "I can't do it. I spent only 24 hours with that guy and I barely can't be myself. I got nerveous like always; when he's around me, and I don't know why. It's strange, isn't it?" I sighed.

"Girl you're just mad in love." She says with her hands she placed under her chin.

"Oh forget it!" I stood leaving her in annoyance.

"Hey I'm just kidding! Lol, wait up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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