03; Just A Little More

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A/N; If you are uncomfortable with anorexia, depression, or self harm than you probably shouldn't read the rest of this book. Hope you enjoy!

"There's something so real about holding hands, some kind of complex simplicity, saying so much by doing so little. I love it."

Jack's POV

Finn and I are on my porch, our hands still have a strong grasp together. I smile and bite my lip, hard enough so I can taste the blood. He stares at me, as if he's trying to read my mind, and trust me, after seeing him for the first time, he doesn't wanna know what I'm thinking. Emily opens the front door, which I was leaning on in an attempt to look cool. I mentally prepare myself for the fall, and close my eyes shut tight, when I feel a strong tug on my arms and a few seconds later, I feel arms snake my waist. I quickly open my eyes to see Finn smiling down at me, "Ohhh Jack has a boyfriend!", Emily yells, for a 9 year old, she sure has a loud mouth. I groan and roll my eyes as a reply, but I'm mentally smiling at the thought of Finn being MINE. Finn smiles and shakes his head, while releasing his grip on me. I frown when we have lost all physical contact. I gester my arms to the door "Welcome to my humble abode!", I exclaim, he laughs as a response. My Mom pops her head out of the kitchen doorway, and I see her face light up when she saw Finn, I roll my eyes and sigh. "Well well well Jack, you didn't tell me you had yourself such a cute friend!", she says with pure happiness in her voice. "Well well well Jack, you didn't tell me you had a beautiful, slightly older sister, as well as an adorable little sister.", Finn says while giving me a playful, disappointed look. I groan, "Ok firstly, Finn, stop hitting on my mother, we just came out to each other like 2 hours ago! Secondly, Mom, this is Finn, Finn this is my mom, or to you, Ms. Grazer.", I say kinda playfully. "Lovely meeting you, Finn, and you can call me Mom.", she winked at me. "A pleasure meeting you too, but if it's ok with you, I feel more comfortable calling you Ms. Grazer, for now that is.", the HE winked at me, I could feel my heart stop. "Will you be staying for dinner?", my Mom asks him, "Unfortunately I can't tonight, I have a little project to work on. But I'll take you up on that offer in the near future!", he says, I slightly frown, I kind of wanted wanted him to stay. He wraps me in his arms again but this time for a hug. "See you tonight.", he says in a whisper that sent chills down my spine. He pulls back, and starts to walk away. He opens the door, and waves at my Mom, then looks at me and winks.

~27 minutes later~

I'm in my room, reading some fanfiction, cause ya know, why not. My Mom walks in, "Honey, do you want something to eat? Dinner's ready.", she says, "Um, no thanks mom, I had a big lunch.", I give her a fake smile, "Oh, well I made spaghetti, so I'll bring you up some noodles with butter and some toast, in case you change your mind.", then she walks out. Most teenagers would find that sort of thing annoying, but I adore how loving she is toward Emily and I. After about 2 more minutes of me lost in my thoughts, she comes back in and sets the plate beside me and kisses me on the head. She shuts my door, and Ding! Looks like Finnie put me in a group chat.

Templey Finnie :p: Heyyyyy

 JaeJae:0 : hi. Who is in this??

Templey Finnie :p: You, Me, Jack, and Wy

Hi Jae!

JaeJae:0: yello

JaeJae:0: Also Wy isn't responding cause he's right beside me

Templey Finnie :p: SHIPPPPPPPP

Finn, we can fangirl on private messages

Templey Finnie :p: Ugh! Fine!

JaeJae:0: I am so bored!!!

Templey Finnie :p: That's your boyfriend's problem

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