What Happened Last Night

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Based on the otome "Irresistible Mistakes."


Sunlight burned Lucy's eyes. A familiar ache pierced her head. A hangover? Did she drink a lot?

As she opened her eyes, she saw a vast window with an unfamiliar skyline. The bed felt too stiff. There were two chairs, and clothing tossed all around. To the side was a small table with leftovers of two meals, red-stained glasses, and three empty wine bottles.

Yep, she drank too much.

But where was she? This was not her apartment. Was it a hotel?

As she sat up in bed and the sheets tumbled down, she realized she was naked. She gasped as she saw red ovals on her breasts, and felt a similar ache on her neck. Hickeys! She realized the clothing scattered around was both hers and some man's, with a tie draped limply over a lamp and boxers underneath her bra.

Her addled brain woke up instantly as she realized what apparently happened.

'I ... Oh God, what did I do?'

It was obvious even to her, yet she could hardly believe it.

'Who did I do?'

Who? What a question to ask! Yet she could not recall anything at all. Whose clothes were these? What happened? Where was she and how did she get there?

Whom did she sleep with?

'Oh God, did we use a condom?'

She leaped as she heard a toilet flush, followed by the sound of a shower running in the bathroom. The man was still there. Whoever had spent the night with her was in the shower.

Her heart began to race. How could this happen? She had never let herself end up like this before. Shame flushed her cheeks, and fear of consequences made her want to flee right away. For all she knew, this was a rapist or serial killer or...

Well, there was a glass of water by her side of the bed, a bottle of Aspirin, her phone had been plugged into a charger, and someone had set out a fluffy robe. A courteous rapist? No! Obviously she got drunk, went to a hotel with some man, and had sex. Dammit, who? Did she even want to know? Her throat at least desperately needed the water, her head needed the Aspirin, and she felt too exposed, so she pulled around the robe.

She picked up her phone as if it could protect her. She was careful not to make a noise as she tiptoed to the bathroom. Peeking through the steam, she saw the frosted door of a shower, and on the other side the silhouette of a man. Who, though? She wanted to know and yet didn't. When she stepped in a little closer, the water suddenly turned off.

"You're awake."

Lucy gasped and pulled back. Crap!

"How about a shower?"

His voice was muffled through the steam and shower door, but the deep sound still thumped through Lucy's heart. This man and her... He sounded amiable, at least. She had definitely been drunk, but really, what happened?

He was waiting for an answer. Timidly, Lucy replied, "Ah, no thanks."

Just as she was wondering what to say, the phone in her hand buzzed with a text. It was her manager at work. 'Your storyboards that were due this weekend are now due TODAY.'

Lucy panicked all over again. Storyboards? Crap! She wasn't done with them; she thought she had a few more days. She needed to get to work in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," she said in a rush to the mystery man.

"What?" he asked, not clearly hearing her voice through the shower door.

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