Calls and Toys

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This scene was not in the otome game the fanfic is based on, but it came about naturally. Consider it "gratuitous LoLu."

Lucy was both glad that nothing else happened at the restaurant, and disappointed when it was time to go, and ... nothing else happened. Loke did not invite to take her home in his car, although that might have been because Natsu immediately offered to walk her to the train station. She rode with the motion-sick man until her stop, went home to her apartment, fed and walked Plue, cleaned the makeup off her face, and flopped into bed.

"I feel like he's just toying with me now," she muttered to Plue as she stared at her ceiling. "And I hate how much I want more."

Just then, her phone buzzed. She picked it up, and her heart leaped at seeing a text message from Loke.

"Are you awake?"

Her fingers shook a little as she wrote back a simple, "Yes."

"Did I go too far tonight?"

Lucy melted into a smile. He must have been worried about her. She felt just a little mischievous as she wrote, "I wish we could have gone farther."

"Well, not in public," he wrote with a winking emoji.

Lucy could hardly help but giggle. Loke! Using emojis!

"Next time, dinner for just us."

Next time? She wished there could be a next time like that, but he was her boss, he had a reputation to uphold. Going out to fancy restaurants with underlings would tarnish that.

"Sure, next time." She typed it, but she knew it was too much to wish for.

"This weekend? Catering brought to a hotel?"

Ah, so that was how he planned to wine and dine her. Not in public, obviously, but hiding in a hotel room. She almost felt disappointed, but she knew it was the only route for two people like them. Being her boss and having a fiancée, he could never simply outright date her.

"This isn't all that different from Cana setting up evenings with the man she's having an affair with," Lucy mused to herself. She wrote back to him, "I look forward to it."

"Stay late Friday. I'll take you from work. Wish it could be tonight. You riled me up."

"I riled him up?" she exclaimed in a huff, and Plue replied with a weird little "Pu-puun" bark. She texted back. "Same here."

"Oh? Are you busy? Can you ... talk?"

Talk? Oh! He meant ... that sort of talk. Lucy had never done something like that, so she trembled as she debated what to say. Gently, she nudged Plue to leave the bedroom, shut the door, sat on the bed, and, still shaky inside, she texted back. "Sure."

Instantly, her phone rang, and she answered it in a rush.

"Hello?" she breathed.

"Good evening, Miss Heartfilia. I'm here to take responsibility for tonight."

His smooth voice made the air leave her chest. She tingled all over just hearing him speak. "T-Take responsibility?" she whispered, already feeling the same heat in her cheeks as earlier that night.

Loke chuckled on the other end. "Remove your clothes and obey everything I say. Relax ... and enjoy it."

Lucy sank back onto her pillows. She knew it was going to be a long, wonderful night listening to his voice.

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