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The next change of location made Ryan's head spin. They had teleported, and Ryan hadn't been prepared.

The fire that coursed through his veins, just moments ago, was nothing more than a mere memory. He now felt a chill run through him.

"This is the place." Brendon spoke from the shadows, but his yellow eyes were like small beacons in the dark. "Remember how many there are?"

"Five." Ryan replied, trying to hide the weakness he felt from Brendon. "They're all there?"

The demon nodded. "Every last one." He grinned, looking like a Cheshire cat through the dark. "Possibly an extra, as well. They're set for a sacrifice."

Ryan's eyes grew wide. "After what you did to me, you're still demanding more?"

Brendon held his Cheshire smile and shrugged. "You're a bit boring, to be honest."

Ryan's fists clenched at his side. He may be finding freedom, but another soul would take his place. The demon would continue to get his way, and it made Ryan sick to his stomach. "I won't kill any more than I have to."

Brendon tisked from where he stood, sinking further into the shadows. "No witnesses, Ryan."

Ryan turned away from the demon without giving him an answer. He wouldn't kill anyone that didn't kill him. It was just evening the score... Wasn't it? They had killed him first, it was only fair...

A small flame burst to life within him.

"I'd hurry up, before the pregnant woman arrives."

Ryan's eyes widened. "Pregnant woman?" He immediately spun, "You never mentioned a pregnant woman."

That ever present grin didn't so much as twitch. "Tick tock goes the clock until casualties ensue."

Ryan sucked in a breath. He could understand the murder of someone his age, as hard as it was to grasp, but a mother and unborn child?

"Tick tock." Brendon whispered before vanishing.

Ryan jumped back, started by the demon's disappearing act. He recovered quickly, however, and spun to look for the demon, as well as, take in his surroundings.

He was outside. Crisp, night air swirled through his lungs before flying out as a small cloud puff into the atmosphere. The only building near him, besides a small shed that Brendon had used to hide in the shadows, was a large barn. The moon peeked over the curved roof, illuminating the field around the barn.

Was he killed here? Ryan shuddered at the thought. Who knows where he had been burned... No one had come to help him.

Ryan's hands formed fists at his sides again. No one had come to save him; he had been left to die. The flame within him burned hotter. He wouldn't let someone else, especially a mother and child suffer the same fate. He began moving towards the barn.

Despite the cool air around him, Ryan could feel sweat rolling down his face. His body temperature was uncomfortably hot, but he pushed through it. He had a mission; punish his murderers and save any other potential victims.

The closer he came to the barn, the hotter his body seemed to grow. Voices carried through the night air, only making the flame within him burn worse. By the time he was at the barn doors, Ryan had to lean against an outer wall as he doubled over in pain. He held back a whimper as he held the fabric of his shirt around his stomach in a death grip.

"Not again, not again." He gasped, practically seeing flames dancing in front of his vision. He could smell the smoke. He could feel the burning sensation spreading over his skin. "I can't die again... I can't..." He sunk to the ground. Smoke filled his lungs and the flames continued to dance in front of him.

His worst nightmare was replaying itself over and over, filling his senses.

"No!" He boomed shutting his eyes and slamming a fist against the barn door.

He wouldn't succumb to his nightmare. Not again.

He'd make his killers experience the same suffering he had endured.

His eyes snapped open as voices shouted. Chanting voices that fell into an eerie sync, despite the chaos of their voices. They knew he was here.


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