Part 5

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Me And Sean Had Just Got Inside The House And The Whole Time He Was Asking Me About Work I Swear His Jealousy Antics Are Just Ugh

"So How Many People You Danced For"He Asked Putting The Keys On The Key Hanger

"About 5" I Replied Walking Into The Room

"You Do Any Privates" He Asked Following Behind Me

"Mhm" I Said Walking To My Closet

"How Many" He Asked

"O My Goodness Sean All These Damn Questions" I Said Irritated Taking Off My Shoes And Putting Them In The Box

"I just Wanna Know How Your Day Went" He Said

"Then Ask That Not All Them Damn Add On And Yess" I Said Looking At My Closet Weird It Was Something Shiney In The Corner By The Door But I Was To Busy Looking For My Night Shoes To Worry About That

"Well Trey Liked Your Private Dance" He Asked

How The Hell He Know I Gave Trey A Dance " How'd You Know I Gave Trey A Dance " I Asked Turning Around To Him

"Cause You Said It" He Replied

"No I Didn't I Just Said I gave A Private Dance But Not To Who" I Said Squinting One Of My Eyes A Little "Nigga You Be Watching Me at Work" I Asked

"No I Have Better Things To Do I Just Assumed Since He Was Trying To Get At You Yesterday" He Said

"Mhmmm" I Said

He Walked Up To Me And Put His Arms Around My Waist "You Know I Like Your Suspecting  Face Right" He Said Swinging My Hips Side To Side

He Such A Damn Subject Changer

"You Like All My Faces" I Said Smiling

"You Got That Right That I Do" He Said Kissing Me

After That We Both Took A Shower And Went Into The Living Room I Loved Playing In His Hair When It Was Wet He Was Hawaiian And Black So His Hair Was Gorgeous

"Sit Down Right Here" I Said Pointing to The Floor Between My Legs

"Why I Got To Sit On The Floor" He Whined

"Cause I Wanna Play In Your Hair" I Said

He Got On The Floor Between My Legs I Have A Drawer In My Coffee Table Where I Keep Hair Stuff In Case I'm Lazy

I Started Burshing His Hair Back Making Waves In It Then Put It In A PonyTail His Hair Was Life To Me Even though I Pretty Much Had The Same But When A Guy Has Hair I Love If

He Got Up Off The Floor And Laid His Head On My Lap "Lets Watch A Movie " He Said Looking Up At Me

" What You Wanna Watch" I asked

"Well I Seen The Bootleg Man And Got Oculus" He Said

"Lmfao Cheap Ass Where Its At" I Asked

"Its In My Bag In The Closet I Wanted To Watch It When I First Got Here But You Be Sleep And Working" He Answered

"ok Ill Go Get It" I Got Up And Walked To The Closet Looking For His Bag

I Finally Found It And A Box Fell Out I Ignored It Ill Pick It Up When I'm Done I Got The Dvd Out His Bag And Picked Up The Box I Was About To Put It Back In Until I Realized What It Was...

Condoms Fo Real The Box Was Fully Empty I Looked At That Shiney Thing Again And Picked It Up It Was A Magnum Wrapper (For those That Don't Know They Gold That's Why It Was Shining) It Was Open Already Though

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