Part 11

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I Sat At The Table For A Good 30 Minutes Before Taking My Neices To The Park And Toys R Us Then Taking Them Back To My Moms House And Me Driving Home

When I Got Home Sat On My Couch Thinking And Thinking What Do I want I Mean Chanel Most Likely Hate Me More Than Before Now

My Doorbell Began Ringing Wildy Like Somebody Was Being Killed Or Some Shit

I Went Looking Through the peep Hole I Couldn't See Nothing But Hair I Swung The Door Open Clutching My Gun On My Hip

It Was Some Lightskin Girl With Brown Hair

"Uhh...Yes?" I Said Confused

She Looked At Me " You August Right Or That Nigga Got A Twin" She Said

"I'm August" I Replied

"Good Just The Nigga I'm Looking For" She Said Pointing A Gun At Me Pushing Me In My House Onto The Couch She Sat In A Chair Across From Me

I Didn't Even Feel Like Pulling My Gun Out "Who You Here For" I Asked

"You Remember Me You Cut Me Off While I Was Talking" She Said

I Sat Thinking For A Minute"You Came To Shoot Me For Cutting You Off" I Said Slouching

"Nah I'm Here Cause Of What You Did To My Girl" She Said

I Still Don't Remember Who She Is " Who Ya Girl" I Asked

"Chanel Don't Play Stupid" She Snapped

Damn She Must Be A Real As Friend To Come To A Nigga House Woth A Gun For Her

"Ohh You Must Be Kayshla" I Said Laying Down On The Couch

"ahh Duh" She Said

"Why You Here For Chanel" I Asked

"Well You Called Her A Hoe Basically" She Said

"I Did Didn't I" I Said Putting My Palm On My Forehead

"Uh Yea You Really Did Now She Talking About She Always Attract Bad niggas And Shit Ans She Going Gay Now And Idk If You Realized Or Not I'm Attractive I Ain't Willing To Have My Bestfriend Trying To Fuck Me" She Said Crossing Her Legs

"I Only Did It For Both Of Our Goods" I Said

"What You Mean" She Asked

"Mane My Life Ain't On Track To Be With Her And I Don't Do That Dating Shit I Can't Let Her Knock Me Off My Grind" I Said Sitting Up

"What You Mean You Own A Top Dollar Club And Live In A Big Ass House" She Said

"Nobody Knows What I Go Through Wish They Could Put Theyself Inside My Shorts I Got Friends That Ain't Friends Nomore They Understand The Life I Chose See The Money And The Game(Yes I Know He Said Fame In The Song But He Not Famous In The Story) It Can Hurt Everything You Love" I Said

"Then Leave The Game" She Replied

"I Got People That depend On Me And I Can't Give Up" I Said

"Damn Well Idk" She Replied

"They See In The New Whip Thinking That I'm Cashing Out They Don't See My Homies With The Notices On They House They Just Think I'm Eatting So They Sitting With An Open Mouth" I Said "Where Was All these Niggas At Claiming They My Fam If I Lost It All Tomorrow I Know They Wont Give A Damn" I Said

"You Right There's Some Flakey Ass Niggas Out There But Don't Let That Stop You From Dating Who's To Say She Won't Be On The Grind With You" She Stated

"The Thing Is I Don't Want Her On It With Me That's Putting Her Life In Danger I Live My Life Under The Gun" I Replied

"You Right I Guess" She Said Standing Up

I Got Up Following Behind Her"Can You Do Me A Solid" I Asked

She Turned Around Facing Me" Depending On What It Is" She Answered

"Don't Tell Chanel About This None Of This" I Said

"I Wont Tell If You Don't" She Said Sticking Her Hand Out "Boy You Better Shake My Fucking Hand Rude Ass" She Snapped

"Ok Damn" I Said Shaking Her Hand

She Then Left And I Went Back To My Room Falling Asleep On My Be

.:Later That Night:.


I Honestly Didn't Feel Like Going To The Club But I Had To I Got Bills To Pay Evn Though Trey Basically Paid Them By Giving Me All That Money

"You Leaving"Asked Kayshla

"Yea I Got To Go To Work" I Replied

"Ok Be Safe Nigga" She Said

"You Not Driving Me" I Asked

"Nope My Car Got Her Earlier While You Was Sleep" Se Answered

"Woo Finally Can Drive Myself" I Said Happily

"Sthu And Go Nigga" She Said

"I Really Don't Want To Go To Be Honest" I Replied

"But You Are So Bye" She Said Pushing Me Towards The Door

"Kicking Me Out My Own House Classic" I Said Leaving Out The Door Laughing

I'm Tired So ima take a nap and uplaod the next part when I wake up I'm always sleepy now why?? idek

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