Part 10

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.:Next Day:.


I Was Laying In My Bed Just Thinking Why Tf I Say That And Do That To Her But I Guess Its For The Both Of Our Goods Shit I Can't Be Liking Somebody What If It Lead To Love Like I Always Love Is For Suckas.

A Nigga Like Me And A Girl Like Chanel Having Something That Shit Can't Happen Her Attitude Mixed With Mine Hell Nah And I live A Dangerous Life Owning A Strip Club Not The Only Thing I Do

Hell Yea I Feel Like Shit For Telling Her She Was Going To Be Just Another Hoe I Was Going To Fuck Cause She Ain't A Hoe I Can't Let My Gaurd Down For No Damn Girl The Fuck I'm Thinking Ab-

My Thoughts Got Cut Off By My Phone Ringing I Picked It Up Looking At The Caller I.D.

I Answered It "Hey Mama" I Said

"Don't Hey Mama Me You Promised These Girls You Would Be Here Today" She Said Bluntly

I Rolled Over On My Back Puttjng My Palm On My Forehead   " I Did Didn't I Uh I'm Sorry Momma" I Said Groaning

"Don't Tell Me Tell Them"  She Said Hanging Up

I Really Didn't Even Feel Like Moving But Id Do Anything For My Neices When My Brother Died I Promised Id Take Care Of Them

Ever Since I Started My Street Job My Uncles Words Flow Through My Mind " Yo Neph Be Safe Out There In Them Streets Don't Forget About Your Brother Don't Forget About His Daughters Don't Forget Your Little Nieces Growing Up Without A Father" He Said And It Runs Through My Mind Everyday

I Climbed Out My Bed Doing My Hygiene Things Grabbed My Keys And Drove Off

I Got To My Moms House And Went Straight Inside I Heard Talking In The Kitchen So I Went In There And Saw My Neices And My Mom Talking And Eatting Breakfast

"Hey Momma Hey My Beautiful Neices" I Said Walking Up And Kissing My Moms Cheek

"Hey Hunny" Said My Mom

"Hey Uncle August " Said Mya And Chay

My Youngest Neice KayKay Was Silent Eatting

I Walked Over To Her Picking Her Up Out Her Seat Putting Her In The Air Spinning Her Around "KayKay!!!" I Said

She Began Laughing"Put Me Down" She Said

I Put Her Down In Her Seat "Are You Mad At Me" I Asked With A Sad Face

She Nodded Her Head

"I'm Sorry I Forgot I Had To Work Late On Paper Work" I Said Kneeling Down To Her Seat

"Fine Since Its Dealing With Work" She Said Smiling

"Good Now Let Me Have Some Of That Food" I Said Opening My Mouth

"uh Uh no This All Mine" He Said Moving Her Plate Away From Me

"Oh really not going to share with me" I Said Standing Up

"uh Uh" She Said Stuffing Her Mouth Stingy Ass

I Laughed

"Your Plate In The Microwave" My mom Said

"How You Know I Was Coming" I asked

"You Always Do When I Call" She Said Laughing A Little

The Girls Got Up And Put They Plates In The Sink Running Upstairs I Went To The Microwave Getting My Food Out Sitting At the Table My Mom Got Up And Went To The Sink Washing The Dishes

I Knew Something Was Bothering Her

"Momma What's Wrong" I Said Eatting

She just Ignored My Question

"Momma What's Wrong Talk To Me" I Said

She Put The Dishes In The Drying Rack And Came And Sat Down Infront Of Me

"When You Going To Leave Them Streets August?" She Asked

I Took Another Bite Of My Food Before Talking Agaun" Momma We Been Over This Already" I Said

"You Don't Need To Run No Streets To Take Care Of The Girls Being In The Streets Wont Even Get You A Real Girlfriend Besides Hoes Who Want Child Support Do You Even Date" She Said

"You Know I Stopped Dating Momma " I Said

"It Was Three Years Ago August You Have To Move On At Some Point" She replied

"I Guess" I said Looking Away

"There's Somone Else" She Said Getting Happy

"Huh What You Mean" I Said Confused

"You Came Out Of Me Ive Known You All Your Life I Know When Your Hiding Something Or Have Something On Your Mind " She Said

I Put My Fork Down And Slouched Back A Little "Its A New Girl I Hired You Know U Hate Dating But Its Just Something About Her Making Me Want To Try It again But I don't Wanna Fall Off My Grind" I Said

"Here Go The Grind Stuff Again You Rather Have Money Than A Family?" She Asked

"No But I Just..I Don't Know " I Said

"I Think You Need To Think About That Cause At The End Of The Day The So Called Grind Wont Be There For You When you Need It The Most" She Said Getting Up And Leaving Me In The Kitchen Alone Thinking

My Mom Could Be Right What Would I rather Coming Home To A Empty House Or Something Happy


Why am I always tired at this time I wanna do another chapter but in exhausted

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