Part 13

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I Soon As I Got In The House Someone Was Banging At My Door Ugh I Really Don't Have Time For This

I Opened The Door "Ye-" I Was Cut Off By August Lips Crashing Into Mine

(Warning: About To Get Rated R)

I Pulled Away " What Are You Doing" I Said

"Shhh" He Said Kissing Me Again

I Kissed Him Back We Kicked Off Our Shoes He Unbuckled My Shorts While I Did The Same To His Pants Trying Not To Break The Kiss Once We Had Our Bottoms Off Fully He Sat Me On Top Of My Stand Knocking Over The Vase.

He Slowly Slid Himself Inside Of Me I Thought All Of Him Was In Until He Went Deeper I Moaned Softly Tilting My Head Back I Was Gripping On His Back Trying Not To Slip Off The Stand

He Then Picked Me Up Still Inside Of Me Walking Down The Hall Into My Room He Laid Me On The Bed Kissing Me From My Neck Down To My Area Then He Started Coming Back Up

I Pushed His Head Back Down "Hell Nah Nigga Finish what You Almost Started" I Said

He Looked At Me For A Minute Then Went Back Down He Started Licking My Clit Slowly I Moaned Soft Then He Started Nibbling On My Clit And Playing With It Woth His Tongue As If He Was Making Out With It That Shit Felt So Good

To Add On To It He Slid Two Fingers Inside Of Me I Arched My Back Letting Out A Sort Of Loud Moan He Was Eatting And Fingering Me At The Same Time I Felt Myself About To Explode I Started Breathing Hard Then He Stopped

I Looked At Him Stupid "W-W-What Are You Doing?" I Asked Out Of Breath

He Looked Up At Me And Smirked He Then Came Up and Shoved Himselg Inside Of Me I Knew This Shit Was About To Get Rough

He Started Pacing In And Out Of Me Fast Making Me Scream His Name Um Sure The Neighbors Heard That Shit

"I-Im About To Cum" I Said

He Kept Going Faster Harder And Deeper I Was About To Scream When He Put His Hand Over My Mouth And All Of My Insides Flowed Out Onto Him

I Pushed Him Off Of Me Laying Him Down On The Bed I Never Done This Shit Before But Judging By How Slow He Started Soing While Eatting Me He Hadn't Either (Talking About Head) So I Went Down On Him He Started Moving My Head Faster And Faster Making His Dick Go Deeper And Deeper Down My Throat Gosh I Feel Like Cookie I Felt Him Grow Larger In My Hell Nah He Wasn't Doing That In My Mouth So I Started Rubbing His Dick Up And Down Until He Finally Nutted

He Sat Up And Kissed Me

I Smiled In The Middle Of It We Both Then Climbed In The Covers

Never Thought Id See This Day Coming But I Actually Like It

I Layed My Head On His Chest "Can I Ask You Something " I Asked

"Mhm" He Said Sleepily

"Why'd You Get Offended When I Said You Were Stubborn And Something Else" I Asked

"Its..- Go To Sleep" He Said Not Finishing His Sentence

"Its What?" I Asked

"Its Nothing I Don't Wanna Talk About It Go To Sleep" He Said

I Just Left It Alone At That Didn't Want To Start Another Fight With Him

.:Next Morning:.


I Woke Up And August Was Gone Classic For A Nigga To Do After Getting What He Wanted I Got Up And Did My Hygiene Stuff After That I Started Making My Bed When I Felt Arms Wrap Around Me I Turned Around Facing August

"Look Who's Up" He Said Kissing Me

"Goodmorning To You Too Where You Go" I Asked

"I Went To Get me some food y'all don't got Shit here" He Replied

"Oh" I Said

"Did I Do Something Wrong" He Asked

"No No Your Fine I Just Didnt Know What To Say" I Said

"Uh Ok But Ima Go" He Said

I Guess He Could Tell I Was Sort Of Lying

I Just Nodded And He Left Kayshla Came Inside The Room

"What's Wrong" She Asked

"What You Mean" I Asked

"You Finally Got August Where You Want Him ALMOST And You Not Acting Right" She Replied

"Its Not August " I Said

"Then What Is It" She Asked

"Its Sean" I Said Sitting On My Bed

"Hell Nah That Nigga Back What He Do Now" She Said Getting Rowdy

"Nothing I Just Don't Feel Right Moving On So Soon From Him Tou Know What He Could Do To August If He Found Out " I Said

"Chanel That Nigga Cheated On You He Can't Be Shit But Guilty" She Said

"But I Threw Away 6 Years Over That" I Said

"Let Me Remind You 'That' Repeated Three Times Featuring Some Hits" She Said

"But What About August " I Said

"I'm Sure He Can Protect You And Himself" She Said

"Yea I Guess Your Right Thanks" I Said

Kayshla Got Up And Left The Room And I Layed In Bed All Day Thinking I Missed Sean a Little Playing In His Hair And All That Shit But He Did Me Wrong Its Hard But I Have To Face The Facts

Why was august Offended When He Got Called August?

Was Chanel really having second thoughts on sean??

Night Time Night Time Night Time Night

Goodnight a nigga tired and if you reading this during day

good afternoon or goodmorning

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